On a Very Special Episode... (Script) lyrics
by Disney
A reel plays with clips from the previous episode.
Cut to an establishing shot of Wanda and Vision's house. Cut inside, where Wanda paces with Tommy, half of her permed hair tied up in a scrunchie.
WANDA: Please, Tommy, don't you wanna sleep? Mommy wants to sleep... If you go to sleep, I promise, you will be my favorite twin!
Vision walks down the stairs, carrying a wailing Billy.
VISION: Come on now, darling, you know we love them both equally.
WANDA: Don't tell him that! No luck with Billy?
VISION: Tried reading to him, but for some reason, Charles Darwin's "The Descent of Man" made him cry even harder.
Vision steps towards Wanda.
VISION: Oh. Care to dance, darling?
Each bobbing with a baby, thеy step close togethеr.
WANDA: It's almost like we're on a date!
VISION: Mm. Keep it down, lads, I was about to get my leg over.
Wanda chuckles.
WANDA: Would you mind grabbing their binkies?
VISION: Oh, 'course not. Binkies all 'round, I think.
They lay Tommy and Billy in their cribs, then Vision heads to the kitchen. Wanda eyes the twins desperately.
WANDA: Now, I know parents aren't supposed to take shortcuts, but I think this situation calls for one, don't you?
Both twins cry louder.
WANDA: So, go to sleep, my babies!
She uses her powers on them. It doesn't work.
WANDA: And... go to sleep!
She tries again. They giggle.
WANDA: Well, I don't think it's very funny! Why won't you do what I want?
VISION: What was that, darling?
Vision returns with the binkies on either side of his head.
WANDA: That is not where those go!
Wanda pulls them out.
VISION: The noise cancelation is not their primary function?
Wiping off the binkies, she places them in the infants' mouths.
WANDA: Look, I think it's work--
The babies spit the binkies out synchronously, one hitting Vision in the chest.
WANDA: What are we doing wrong?
VISION: Oh, don't worry, dear! We'll figure it out. Perhaps we all need more time to get to know one another.
WANDA: Maybe. Or maybe we just need some help.
The doorbell rings.
Agnes walks in.
AGNES: Hiya, kids!
WANDA: Oh, Agnes!
Vision covers his face as he switches to human form.
VISION: Agnes! I was just fluffing this pillow! With my... face.
AGNES: Oh, I was just on my way to Jazzercise when I heard your new little bundles of joy were on a sleep strike.
VISION: Oh? Who told you that?
AGNES: Uh, my ears.
Agnes chuckles and Vision hesitantly does so as well.
AGNES: Anyway, Auntie Agnes is here and I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.
WANDA: Oh, Agnes, you're a lifesaver!
VISION: Very well, but- But be careful of their belly buttons, and remember to support their heads, and when was the last time you washed your ha-- Actually, you know what? It would-- Just-- Maybe we better not!
Agnes's smile fades and she shifts her weight uncertainly. The babies' crying settles down.
AGNES: Um...
She turns to Wanda. The crying has stopped.
AGNES: Uh... Do you want me to take that again?
Wanda looks to Vision, who glances wide-eyed at their neighbor.
WANDA: Uh... I'm sorry?
AGNES: You want me to hold the babies. Should we just take it from the top?
She picks up her gym bag. Vision chuckles awkwardly.
Wanda chuckles dryly.
WANDA: Oh, don't be silly! Vision, let's... let's let Agnes give it a try.
She grins through an urging expression. Both Wanda and Agnes laugh and the laugh track joins in. The babies start crying again.
AGNES: Fussy babies, meet buns of steel! We dare you to stay awake!
Agnes and Wanda chuckle.
VISION: Wanda...
Wanda and Vision step aside as Agnes rocks the cribs while doing lunges.
VISION: What was that about?
WANDA: What was what?
VISION: "What was what?" That, that with Agnes just now.
WANDA: Well, I think she just got confused for a moment. She seems fine now.
VISION: But what she said, the way she looked at you...
WANDA: How did she look at me?
VISION: Well, I didn't... Oh.
Agnes is spritzing a bottle of lavender over the cribs.
AGNES: Lavender! It's supposed to have a calming effect. Ralph sprays it on me every night, but there's no taming this tiger!
VISION: It's so strange...
WANDA: Oh, that's not fair. It's not Agnes's fault that she has an unusually high libido.
VISION: Wanda? Did you really not see what I saw?
A thud from the kitchen draws their attention. They turn to see Agnes handling a glass bottle.
AGNES: Oh, don't mind me! I'm just looking for your dark liquor.
AGNES: Not for me! For the twins. What kinda babysitter do you think I am?
She gestures towards the kitchen.
AGNES: I'm just gonna go and check in there!
WANDA: Vision, the boys haven't slept in days. You and I both need a break and Agnes is just being neighborly, that's all!
Vision's eyes shift uncertainly.
VISION: Do you hear that?
WANDA: Hear what?
VISION: Absolutely nothing!
WANDA: They finally fell asleep.
They go to the now-empty cribs.
VISION: They're empty!
WANDA: Then where are the twins?!
BILLY: Mommy?
TOMMY: Daddy?
They turn to find the twins aged five years old. Agnes sighs fondly.
AGNES: Kids.
She chuckles.
AGNES: You can't control 'em! No matter how hard you try...
Sitting on her counter, Agnes raises her glass, then drinks. Wanda and Vision face their sons.
VISION: Well, hi!
The boys rush into their arms.
VISION: How are you doing, baby?
WANDA: Aw...
(Theme Song starts playing)
Fade in on Monica dressed in hospital attire, laying down on a bed.
HAYWARD (Voice-Over): What's the first thing you do remember?
MONICA (Voice-Over): Pain.
A quick flash shows Monica being pulled into the Hex.
MONICA (Voice-Over): And then...
Two more flashes showing "Geraldine" being thrown out of Westview.
MONICA (Voice-Over): Wanda's voice in my head.
More flashes of Wanda with menacing whispering in the background.
A doctor positions an X-Ray machine over Monica's head.
HAYWARD (Voice-Over): Did you try to resist?
MONICA (Voice-Over): There was this feeling keeping me down, this hopeless feeling. Like drowning.
More flashes, of Monica at the hospital and Maria Rambeau's face.
MONICA (Voice-Over): It was grief.
Flashes show Wanda's anguished face, accompanied by her screaming. Back to the present.
DOCTOR: You can sit up now.
MONICA: Great.
Monica sits up.
MONICA: So, am I cleared?
DOCTOR: Once I get a look at these.
MONICA: Where's my uniform?
DOCTOR: In analysis.
Woo and Darcy enter the medical tent.
JIMMY: Mighty glad to have you back, Captain. How you feeling?
MONICA: Like myself.
JIMMY: Well, thank heavens for that.
MONICA: Uh, what's the latest?
Darcy clears her throat and hands Monica a pair of folded clothes.
DARCY: Uh, there's a briefing in ten. Pants are encouraged.
MONICA: Thank you.
She accepts the clothes.
JIMMY: This is Doctor Darcy Lewis, she's the one who discovered the broadcast.
DARCY: Monica, I know. Um... Big fan.
The doctor walks over, holding the results.
DOCTOR: We're gonna need to take these again. There's something wrong with the machine.
The picture shows white, with a faint outline of a shoulder peering through.
DARCY: Those are blank.
DOCTOR: Like I said.
DARCY: Well, what about her labs?
DOCTOR: I need another blood draw.
Monica chuckles mirthlessly.
MONICA: No, no, no. We're done here.
Monica gets up and walks off to change.
JIMMY: She does that. See you at the briefing!
Monica pulls a curtain behind her.
HAYWARD: Morning. We are now assessing a more clear picture of this crisis. And thanks to Captain Rambeau, we now have first-person intel from inside the Westview Anomaly. Our initial theory had Wanda Maximoff as one of many victims, we now know she is the principal victimizer. Jimmy.
JIMMY: Quick history on our subject.
Footage starts playing on a holographic table in the center of the room.
JIMMY: Born in Sokovia in 1989 to Irina and Oleg Maximoff, both killed in an air raid when Maximoff and her twin brother, Pietro, were ten.
It switches to the protest in "Avengers: Age of Ultron".
HAYWARD: The twins were subsequently radicalized, volunteering at HYDRA.
JIMMY: That's an oversimplification of events, but, yes.
Hayward looks miffed.
After unspecified experimentation with the Mind Stone, Maximoff gained telekinetic and telepathic abilities.
HAYWARD: Back up, Jimmy. Does Maximoff have an alias?
JIMMY: No, sir.
HAYWARD: No funny nickname?
JIMMY: Not a one.
HAYWARD: And earliest tracking had her using her powers against the Avengers. Is that correct?
JIMMY: Right before she earned their trust and became one herself.
Footage switches to the aftermath of "Captain America: Civil War".
HAYWARD: Lagos and Germany. We all know how that turned out. Thanks, Jimmy.
With a resigned look, Woo steps aside.
HAYWARD: Now that we have the lay of the land, let's talk about strategy. It is the policy...
JIMMY: I try not to speak ill of people...
DARCY: Then allow me. Hayward's a di--
HAYWARD: ...terrorists.
MONICA: Wanda's not a terrorist.
He pulls out a folder and flips through the papers in it.
HAYWARD: By your own account, you described the experience of being under her mind control as "excruciating, terrifying, a violation."
A few screens show Monica as Geraldine with Wanda in her house.
"GERALDINE": Wanda, what's up? And now that I've gone all corporate...
MONICA: My point is, I don't believe she has a political agenda or any inclination toward destruction.
HAYWARD: Monica, she blasted you halfway across New Jersey.
MONICA: And I survived because she chose to protect me.
HAYWARD: She's holding thousands of people hostage.
MONICA: And it could've been thousands more if she hadn't put up her own quarantine. Listen, I- I don't believe this is a premeditated act of aggression.
HAYWARD: You don't? Bring up the visual.
Four surveillance feeds appear on the table screen.
HAYWARD: This morning, I received authorization to share this highly sensitive material from S.W.O.R.D. headquarters. Until very recently, it was the top-secret location of the Vision's corpse.
The feed shows Wanda storming into S.W.O.R.D. headquarters. She shatters a glass window overlooking a lab, then two of the feeds go offline. Landing in the lab, she advances on scientists surrounding Vision's corpse.
MONICA: When was this?
HAYWARD: Nine days ago. Maximoff stormed our facility, stole the Vision's body, and resurrected him.
JIMMY: But that's in direct violation of Section 36 B of the Sokovia Accords.
HAYWARD: And the Vision's own living will.
JIMMY: He didn't want to be anybody's weapon.
HAYWARD: Maximoff, in her grief, disregarded his wishes. All right, that's it for now. Let's work the problem, people. Dismissed.
Everyone except Woo, Monica, and Darcy disperses.
JIMMY: But how did she even do it? Bring him back without the Mind Stone?
DARCY: Who knows? But she has the world's only vibranium synthezoid playing, Father-Knows-Best in suburbia. What happens when he learns the truth?
The trio stares at a vintage TV paused on a portrait of the family. It zooms in, taking us to...
Tommy and Billy stand at the sink, overflowing with bubbles.
BILLY: I don't think he likes the water.
TOMMY: But we have to get him clean so Mommy will let us keep him.
WANDA: Tommy, Billy!
TOMMY: Oh, no! Mommy's coming!
Wanda walks into the kitchen
WANDA: You know, I don't miss the crying, but jeez Lousie, did you have to learn to walk? You two never stay put.
The twins stand, blocking her view of the sink.
WANDA: Unless you're innocently forming a human wall in front of the kitchen sink.
There is a sneeze...
WANDA: Bless you.
...followed by a soft bark.
WANDA: Now tell me which one of you just barked? Scoot.
The twins move aside, revealing a small dog, which wags its tail in the kitchen sink.
WANDA: Oh, boy. Waiter, what's this canine doing in my kitchen sink?
TOMMY: The doggy paddle?
BILLY: Can we keep him, Mommy?
WANDA: Well, I'm sure his owners miss him very much. Come on.
The dog crawls out of the sink and Wanda dries it off.
WANDA: Huh. There really is no collar.
TOMMY: Can we keep him?
BILLY: He was outside. Crying, alone.
WANDA: Now, boys, taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility. Dogs need food, exercise, training, belly rubs, and cuddles, and kisses between his little ears...!
Vision walks into the kitchen
VISION: Morning, wife! Morning, boys! Good morning, unfamiliar wet animal. Who's this?
WANDA: We're not quite sure, actually.
Wanda sets the dog down.
WANDA: Why so formal, honey?
VISION: Oh, it's just a precaution, really, I had a hunch someone might pop over.
The back door opens, revealing Agnes with a dog house in hand.
AGNES: Hi, kiddos!
VISION: With exactly the item we require.
AGNES: My kitchen window told me someone got a new pooch!
She sets it down on the table. The dog barks and sniffs around an outlet.
AGNES: Did you name him yet?
BILLY: How about Sniffy?
Agnes chuckles. The outlet sparks and the dog whimpers, running away.
AGNES: How about Sparky?
WANDA: Well, should we make it official?
Wanda conjures a dog collar.
VISION: Wanda.
VISION: Agnes was right there!
WANDA: Well, she didn't notice. She didn't even notice when the boys went from babies to five-year-olds.
VISION: That's not what we agreed upon! You made no effort to conceal your abilities.
WANDA: Well, I'm tired of hiding, Vis. And maybe you don't have to either.
VISION: Wanda, we are usually so much of the same mind. But right now...
He eyes her with growing concern.
VISION: What aren't you telling me?
BILLY: So, is Sparky our dog, Daddy?
Wanda glances at her husband.
WANDA: Boys, your father and I don't think you're ready to properly care for an animal until you're at least...
She turns back to Vision, who fake coughs.
VISION: Ten. Ten.
WANDA: Ten years old.
The twins share a mischievous look.
VISION: Wait, now, hang on there a minute...
WANDA (overlapping): Wait, no, no, no.
The boys age up to ten-year-olds.
VISION: ...you young whippersnappers!
WANDA: No, no, no!
AGNES: Let's just hope this dog stays the same size. Woof, woof!
Woo walks briskly across the base, carrying three to-go cups of coffee.
Monica stands by a whiteboard covered in diagrams and equations.
MONICA: Okay. Okay, okay, I've got it. What I need is a ten thousand pound fallout shelter comprised of lead for photons, cadmium for neutrons, tantalum for seismic blasts, on wheels.
Darcy listens politely.
MONICA: And then, I would be able to safely re-enter Westview. Right?
DARCY: Yes. Theoretically.
MONICA: I can work with theoretically.
Woo walks in, handing the cups to Monica and Darcy.
JIMMY: What'd I miss?
DARCY: The twins aged up to ten.
JIMMY: Holy Christmas! At this rate, they'll be empty nesters by dinner time.
MONICA: I know an aerospace engineer who'd be up for this challenge.
Monica picks up her phone.
DARCY: But I can't guarantee the Hex won't just mind-wipe you as you go in.
MONICA: Wait. What's the Hex?
DARCY: Oh, um, it's what I'm calling the anomaly because of its hexagonal shape. It's starting to catch on.
Monica looks at Woo, who shakes his head subtly.
DARCY: You really wanna go back in there? After everything she's put you through?
MONICA: Yeah. Yes, I do.
Woo walks up to the screen, pointing at the twins.
JIMMY: Have we identified these minors yet? Or the newborns?
MONICA: Oh, Wanda's twins are hers. Everything might look fake in the TV, but everything in there is real.
JIMMY: But, Wanda manipulates people's perceptions, makes them hallucinate.
DARCY: Yeah, that's her whole bag. If all the sets and props and wardrobe were solid matter, that would mean she's wielding an insane amount of power.
JIMMY: Far exceeding anything she's displayed in the past.
MONICA: Uh, she could've taken out Thanos on her own if he hadn't initiated a blitz. I mean, nobody else came close.
JIMMY: Well, I'd argue that Captain Marvel came close.
Monica hardens.
DARCY: Her powers came from an Infinity Stone, too, right?
MONICA: We are not talking about her, we are talking about Wanda.
She takes down a photo of the helicopter.
MONICA: Darcy? What was that you were saying about, uh, props and sets and...
DARCY: Wardrobe?
As Monica looks down at the photo, a smile brightens her face.
MONICA: Where's the lab?
Monica strides purposefully down a hallway between tents. In the lab, she makes a beeline for her 1970s outfit from the show, clipped against a standing panel.
JIMMY: What are we looking for?
She pulls it off the panel and takes it over to a computer.
DARCY: Oh, man. Are we being mind-controlled to see that right now?
JIMMY: Jeepers Creepers.
The computer finishes analyzing the pants.
MONICA: Oh, no, they're real, alright. Mind if I borrow this?
She takes Jimmy's gun.
JIMMY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa--!
She fires at the pants. Darcy lets out a surprised exclamation.
DARCY: Whoa!
Stepping forwards cautiously, Woo bends down and picks up one of the spent bullets. He straightens with a furrowed brow.
JIMMY: You had a bulletproof vest on when you went inside, didn't you?
MONICA: Those pants are eighty-seven percent Kevlar. It's not an illusion, Wanda is rewriting reality!
DARCY: Permanently?
MONICA: I-I-If she can change things as they go into the Hex...
DARCY: Ah, you called it the Hex!
Monica gives Darcy a small smile.
MONICA: What happens if we send something in that requires no change?
Her colleagues glance off thoughtfully.
Cut to an establishing shot of Vision’s workplace, now updated with a retro font. Inside, Vision finishes plugging in a computer as Norm works on one at his own desk.
NORM: So, you're telling me this is a typewriter, a Rolodex, and a calendar all in one? What else can it do, find me a wife?
VISION: Eventually, yes.
NORM: It's a hell of a thing, watching you work these computers, Vision. It's like you speak their language!
Vision stands and walks over to Norm's desk.
VISION: What do you think, Norm? Shall we surf the internet?
NORM: Cowabunga, dude!
Norm vacates his seat for Vision, who taps the keyboard. A list of zeroes and ones appear, followed by a screen indicating a waiting e-mail message.
NORM: Oh, hey, look! We got an electronic mail already!
He begins searching through one of the cabinets at his desk.
VISION: It's called an e-mail, Norm. What are you looking for?
NORM: Letter opener.
VISION: Ah, we don't need that! We're already cutting-edge.
Vision opens the message.
NORM: S.W.O.R.D. Top Secret Communique. Authenticate.
Everyone in the office reads aloud in unison.
OFFICE ENSEMBLE: Doctor Darcy Lewis' findings regarding Maximoff anomaly. High levels of radiation present at perimeter, Effect on Westview residents unknown. Please advise.
They break off into laughter. Vision wears a disturbed expression.
NORM: Well, come on, pal, what are we gonna write back? You're the office funny guy!
Vision touches the computer, which shuts off.
NORM: It's a joke? Can't you tell? None of it is real!
Vision touches Norm's temples, light glowing at the contact points. Norm's expression shifts to fear.
NORM: Please. Please help me. What day is it? How long has it been? Where's my phone?! I have to call my sister.
He rifles through the desk again.
VISION: Norm...
NORM: She's taking care of our dad, he's sick. Where's my phone?!
VISION: Calm yourself, Norm, I can't understand what you're trying to tell me.
Norm grabs onto Vision's shirt, desperate.
NORM: You have to stop her!
VISION: Stop who?
NORM: She's in my head. None of it is my own. It hurts. It hurts so much! Just make her stop... Just make her stop--!
Vision touches Norm's temples again and he smiles.
NORM: Now, tell me this; if I sent an e-mail, where would I put the stamp?
Vision turns away with a look of dread.
NORM: Technology. Huh...
Cut to an establishing shot of Wanda and Vision's house. Cut inside, where Billy holds a treat in front of Sparky.
BILLY: Sit, Sparky, sit!
He does.
BILLY: Good dog! Speak!
Sparky barks
BILLY: Nice, Sparky! Now spin!
The dog obeys.
BILLY: Good boy!
WANDA: Oh, bravo, Billy! You weren't so bad, either, Sparky!
TOMMY: That was radical! Where's dad? We gotta go show dad!
Tommy runs off the couch.
WANDA: Oh, he's... He's at work!
The boys turn to her confusedly.
BILLY: It's Saturday.
WANDA: No, it's not, it's Monday.
TOMMY: This morning was Saturday.
WANDA: There was an emergency at the office and your father had to go in. End of story.
Billy and Tommy share a look.
WANDA: Look, he just... he needed a distraction.
TOMMY: From what?
BILLY: From us?
WANDA: No! No way, no!
Wanda walks up and steps behind them, leading them to the couch.
WANDA: Sometimes, your dad and I aren't on the same page, but that's just temporary. Like the two of you, you might fight over toys...
She gestures to Tommy.
WANDA: But he's always going to be your brother.
She gestures to Billy.
WANDA: And he's always going to be yours. Because family is forever.
TOMMY: Do you have a brother, Mom?
Wanda stills.
WANDA: I do. Yeah, he's far away from here. And that makes me sad sometimes.
Sparky jumps off the couch and runs to the front door, growling.
BILLY: Hey, Sparky, what's up, boy?
His growling intensifies.
BILLY: Something's scaring him!
A worried look crosses Wanda's face as we hear the sounds of a drone outside the house.
WANDA: Stay here.
The boys watch as their mom opens the door and Sparky runs out.
BILLY: Sparky!
Tommy and Billy run out after Wanda.
Words flash across a staticky drone signal flying over Westview -- "Weak Signal". At the base, Monica controls it with a joystick.
HAYWARD: I know this is tech from the '80s, but can we sharpen the visuals?
MONICA: Working on it.
She flies the drone to Wanda's and Vision's house.
MONICA: Maximoff located.
HAYWARD: Well done.
JIMMY: We can't see the drone on the broadcast. Wanda's framing it out of the shot.
DARCY: Just like all the jump cuts. Wanda decides what makes it onto her show and what doesn't.
HAYWARD: And here we go. You're up.
Monica speaks into her headset.
MONICA: Wanda, this is Captain Monica Rambeau. Can you hear me?
From her front walk, Wanda glares up at the drone.
MONICA: I just wanna talk. That's it.
Her eyes glow red.
HAYWARD: No joy.
Monica groans. Hayward signals over to Agent Monti, who nods over to another agent.
MONICA: Wait, my controls aren't working. Reconnect patch.
HAYWARD: Disregard. Take the shot.
MONICA: What? No, the drone isn't armed.
HAYWARD: Take the shot.
The sound of a firing missile is heard. The drone view flickers and goes dark. Monica rips off her headset and turns to face Hayward.
MONICA: What did you do?!
An alarm sounds off and the base lights flicker red.
AGENT: There's a breach, sir!
Hayward and the other agents rush off. Monica glances worriedly out the window. Darcy and Woo walk away from her workstation. Grabbing her coat, Monica joins everyone in going outside.
Several vehicles drive onto the grass, just inside the perimeter of floodlights and several soldiers pour out, aiming their laser-sighted weapons at the energy field.
Woo and Darcy stand back as Hayward and Monica stand before the soldiers with weapons. The energy field flickers briefly, revealing a silhouetted figure.
Lines resembling static flicker along the barrier, then a pulse of red emanates outward as Wanda emerges from the barrier in modern clothing, dragging a missile behind her. The projectile glows red and sparks as Wanda approaches the joint task force.
WANDA: Is this yours?
With one hand, she flings it at Hayward's feet, where it continues sparking. The armed soldiers keep their laser sights on her.
HAYWARD: The missile was just a precaution. You can hardly blame us, Wanda.
WANDA: Oh, I think I can. This will be your only warning. Stay out of my home. You don't bother me, I won't bother you.
HAYWARD: I wish it could be that simple. You've taken an entire town hostage.
WANDA: I'm not the one with the guns, Director.
MONICA: But you are the one in control.
Monica steps forward.
WANDA: You're still here.
An orb of red magic hovers in Wanda's palm.
MONICA: Wanda, I didn't know the drones were armed. But you know that, don't you? A town full of civilians and you, a telepath, brought a S.W.O.R.D. agent into your home. You trusted me to help deliver your babies! On some level, Wanda, you know I am an ally. I want to help you.
WANDA: How? What could you possibly have to offer me?
MONICA: What do you want?
WANDA: I have what I want. And no one will ever take it from me again.
A deep wrinkle forms between Hayward's brows and Wanda raises the orb. The soldiers' eyes glow red and they all raise their weapons at the director.
HAYWARD: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, stand down!
Wanda stalks off.
MONICA: Wanda!
HAYWARD: Stand down!
As she reaches it, Wanda touches the energy field. The red glow fades from the soldiers' heads and they lower their weapons
Wanda disappears through the energy field and Monica gapes up at a patch of red growing upward until the entire barrier ripples up with a scarlet glow.
A mom tries to wipe up a red liquid with a thin paper towel.
NARRATOR: You've got a mess, and you're still using the next leading brand?
She looks sadly at us, disappointed with the paper towel's quality.
NARRATOR: You need Lagos brand paper towels! The most absorbent paper towel available.
The husband spills a drink on the counter.
NARRATOR: Husbands can use it, too!
He cleans it up, smiling at his wife.
NARRATOR: Lagos! For when you make a mess you didn't mean to.
Wanda and her sons walk down the middle of the street.
TOMMY: Sparky! Come on, boy!
BILLY: Here, boy! Sparky!
The mailman, Dennis, approaches them.
DENNIS: Hey, what's the trouble, little dudes?
BILLY: We can't find our dog!
DENNIS: Ah, don't worry. He's sure to turn up. Your mom won't let him get far. Ma'am.
He leaves.
WANDA: I don't know where he could've gone...
TOMMY: Here, boy! Sparky!
BILLY: Sparky! Sparky?
They see a bush rustling in front of a house.
BILLY: Sparky!
Agnes stands from the bushes, cradling a wrapped bundle in her arms. Billy gasps.
AGNES: I... I didn't wanna come until I'd wrapped him up.
WANDA: What happened to him?
AGNES: Found him in my azalea bushes. Don't know how many leaves he ate. I didn't find him until it was too late.
Wanda walks forward, disbelieving. Agnes turns to the boys.
AGNES: Oh... Tommy, Billy, I'm so sorry.
The twins share a look.
WANDA: Wait. Don't. Don't.
TOMMY: Don't what?
WANDA: Don't age yourselves up. The urge to run from this feeling is powerful. I know.
Wanda puts a hand on each of their shoulders.
TOMMY: It's too sad. You can fix anything, Mom. Fix the dead.
WANDA: What? No.
AGNES: You can do that?
Wanda glances at Agnes, who eyes her incredulously. Wanda turns back and crouches in front of her sons.
WANDA: I am trying to tell you that there are rules in life. Okay? We can't rush aging just because it's convenient, and we can't reverse death, no matter how sad it makes us. Okay? Some things are forever.
Agnes sighs, despondent.
BILLY: You said family is forever.
TOMMY: He is family. Bring him back, Mom.
VISION: Bring who back?
Vision walks over. He notes their somber expressions, then Agnes holding the wrapped-up dog.
VISION: Oh, boys... Come here.
He wraps his arm around them as Wanda stares ahead morosely.
Wanda clears toys off the kitchen table into a basket. She glances over her shoulder as Vision comes in through the back door and walks slowly to the sink.
VISION: How are the boys?
WANDA: A little heartbroken, but they'll be alright.
Vision washes his hands.
VISION: Well, it's not often you get a dog and then bury them in the same day.
WANDA: Well, life moves pretty fast out in the suburbs.
Wanda picks up the toy basket and moves it to a pass-through window. Vision shuts off the sink.
VISION: I spoke with Norm.
Vision turns, drying his hands.
VISION: I unearthed the man's suppressed personality and I spoke to him free of your oversight. He was in pain, Wanda.
WANDA: Vision... Listen, can we just--
VISION: What? Watch TV? Turn in for the night so you can change everything over again? No, Wanda...
He walks up, leaning on the kitchen island.
VISION: You can't control me the way you do them.
She gives him a challenging look.
WANDA: Can't I?
Vision shakes his head as the credits roll. Wanda starts to leave the kitchen.
WANDA: I'm going to bed.
VISION: No! We're not done here. What is the Maximoff Anomaly?
WANDA: The what?
Vision steps towards her.
VISION: I have to believe that this, whatever this is, was subconscious at first and that you only recently became aware of it.
WANDA: Aware of what?
She walks out. Vision follows.
VISION: Norm has a family, Wanda!
The credits flicker and disappear. The music cuts out in a burst of static.
VISION: He has a family, and he can't reach them because you won't let him reach them!
Wanda rounds on Vision.
WANDA: I don't know what you're talking about!
VISION: Stop lying to me!
They rise several feet off the floor.
WANDA: This, all of this is for us. So let me handle it.
VISION: What is outside of Westview?!
WANDA: You don't wanna know, I promise you.
VISION: You don't get to make that choice for me, Wanda!
WANDA: You've never talked to me like this before.
She sinks back down and looks up at him.
VISION: Before what? Before what?! I can't remember my life before Westview! I don't know who I am! I'm scared!
WANDA: You are my husband. You are Tommy and Billy's father.
Vision slowly lowers to the floor and takes Wanda's hands.
WANDA: Isn't that enough?
He glances outside.
VISION: Wanda, why are there no other children in Westview?
WANDA: Oh, God, there are! Just stop it!
She walks over to the couch and sits. Vision points out the window.
VISION: No, no. The playground stands empty every morning I walk to work. Why? Tell me, why?
WANDA: Do you really think that I am controlling everything?! That I- I am somehow in charge of everybody in Westview?! I'm walking their dogs, mowing their lawns, getting them to dentist appointments on time?! I mean, I...
She chuckles dryly.
WANDA: I don't know how any of this started in the first place.
VISION: Oh, Wanda...
Vision kneels next to her.
VISION: What you're doing here, it's wrong.
Wanda shakes her head.
VISION: It is wrong.
The doorbell rings. Vision looks sharply toward the front door and Wanda fixes him with an earnest stare.
WANDA: I didn't do that. I--
Vision responds with a disbelieving look.
WANDA: You don't believe me.
VISION: Wanda, I want to, but at this point, I'm ignoring statistics entirely.
The doorbell rings again. Wanda looks away from her husband dully before getting up. She goes to the front door and Vision hangs back as she swings it open. Wanda's jaw drops.
Darcy rushes to her workstation. As she grabs her notebook, something on the vintage TV catches her eye and she sinks into her seat.
VISION: Wanda, who is this?
Seen from behind, a man with bleached silver-gray hair stands on their front step.
At her workstation, Darcy's mouth falls open.
Wanda gasps. The camera angle changes to reveal Pietro. He smiles and steps inside.
PIETRO: Long lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin' sister to death or what?
DARCY: She recast Pietro?
Wanda casts a stunned glance at Vision, who eyes the sibling suspiciously.
WANDA: Pietro?
Pietro makes a "more or less" gesture.
Her bewildered eyes filling with tears, Wanda embraces Pietro. They break apart and he gestures to Vision.
PIETRO: Who's the popsicle?
Audience laughter as we smash to black.