The Series Finale (Script) lyrics




A reel plays with clips from the previous episode.


Wanda stares as Agatha continues to restrain Billy and Tommy. Agatha floats down to the ground.

TOMMY: Get off me! Let go of my brother!

WANDA: My powers work out here, or did you forget?

AGATHA: No, dear, I’m counting on it.

Tommy and Billy try to run forward. Agatha pulls them to the ground.


Wanda shoots a bolt of magic at Agatha.


Agatha hits the ground.

WANDA: Go to your room.
TOMMY: No way, we’re staying here.

BILLY: Come on, mom, we can help!

Agatha gets up.

AGATHA: Listen to your mother, boys!


Tommy grabs Billy and speeds off into the house. Wanda shoots Agatha again, but Agatha lifts up the shot and absorbs it.

AGATHA: I take power from the undeserving. It’s kind of my thing.

Wanda looks at her left hand, which is now shriveled. Agatha shoots Wanda to the ground.

AGATHA: You’re clearly in over your little red head, so why don’t you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it, and I’ll let you keep this pathetic little part of the world all to yourself. What do you say?

Wanda uses her powers to hit Agatha from behind with a car, knocking both Agatha and the car into the house. Wanda walks over and finds only Agatha’s boots under the car. Wanda sees White Vision arrive in the reflection of a window. She turns around.

WANDA: Vision?

She approaches him.

WANDA: Is it really you?
He holds a hand up to her face.


He holds up his other hand and lifts her up, crushing her head.

WHITE VISION: And I was told you were powerful.

Vision arrives and hits White Vision out of the way, making him drop Wanda. Vision sends White Vision into an RV, which explodes on impact. Vision turns back to Wanda.

VISION: Where are the boys?

WANDA: They’re in the house, safe. Vision, I should’ve told you everything. The moment I realized what I had done.

VISION: It’s alright, Wanda. I know why you made this world, this-

WANDA: I can fix it.

VISION: Can you?

White Vision emerges from the wreckage of the RV. Agatha materializes above the house.

AGATHA: Oh, this is awkward. Your ex and your boyfriend together at the same party. Who’re you gonna choose Wanda?

WANDA: Vision, this is our home.
VISION: Then let’s fight for it.

Vision charges White Vision and they begin fighting in the sky above Westview. Agatha flies towards the center of town and Wanda follows. Nearby, Monica watches from a window.

MONICA: Wanda, Wanda! Wanda!

Pietro sits on a nearby couch with a guitar.

PIETRO: Don’t waste your breath, babe. No one can hear you in here.

He strums a chord. She turns and eyes the exit. He strums a more dramatic chord. She runs for the exit but he speeds in front of her and flicks her to the ground.


Vision and White Vision battle in the sky above Westview.

VISION: Might we resolve this peacefully.

WHITE VISION: Wanda Maximoff must be neutralized. You must be destroyed.

VISION: I know that.


Some agents bring a handcuffed Jimmy Woo to where Hayward is watching radar of the two Visions fighting.

HAYWARD: Hey, it’s my favorite member of the bureau. Reconfirm mission objective.

RODRIGUEZ: His system is overloaded, sir, I can’t get anything through.

Jimmy sees a phone lying out on a table.

HAYWARD: Still under control?

RODRIGUEZ: As far as I can tell, he’s still ours.

JIMMY: You’ll never be able to cover this up.

Jimmy steals the phone from the table and hides it behind his back.

HAYWARD: I won’t have to. Wanda cancelled her show, so there’s no footage proving there was ever more than one Vision.

JIMMY: Oh, there’s SWORD HQ security tape. And evidence of tampering, no doubt.

HAYWARD: No one’s gonna care once I’ve eliminated Wanda Maximoff. They’ll believe the Vision who emerges from the Westview rubble is the same one she illegally tried to bring back to life. They’ll thank me for recovering such a valuable asset. You could be a part of that victory, Jimmy. If only you had a little more vision.

Jimmy chuckles.

JIMMY: That’s a good one, Hayward. Okay, I’m convinced. Trouble is, my friends at Quantico will probably have something to say about your plan when they arrive inside the hour.

HAYWARD: You’re bluffing.


HAYWARD: We’re done here.

Cut to Jimmy being thrown down into some hay outside. He pulls his cuffs off once the guards are gone.

JIMMY: Flourish.

He makes a call.

CLIFF: Hello?

JIMMY: Cliff, uh, James Woo. Hey, I’ve got a situation and I was hoping you could get here inside the hour.


Wanda glides down into the center of town and walks down the street. Dennis passes in a van.

DENNIS: Don’t shoot, I’m just the messenger.

Agatha, standing on a nearby building, shoots Wanda in the back with a magic bolt. Wanda gets up and turns to see her.

AGATHA: Wanda, you’ve never been up against another witch before. DId you know there’s an entire chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold? That’s the book of the damned.

Agatha materializes the Darkhold and looks at some of the pages.

AGATHA: The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantation.

WANDA: I’m not a witch. I don’t cast spells. No one taught me magic.

AGATHA: Your power exceeds that of the sorcerer supreme. It’s your destiny to destroy the world.

WANDA: I’m not what you say I am!

AGATHA: Oh really?

Dottie is shown walking nearby. Agatha removes Wanda’s control.

SARAH: Wanda?

WANDA: Dottie.

SARAH: My name is Sarah. I have a daughter, she’s eight. Maybe she could be friends with your boys, if you like that storyline. Or, uh, the school bully even. Really, anything. If you could let her out of her room, if I could just hold her, please.

WANDA: What are you doing to her? You’re making her say this.

AGATHA: She’s your meat puppet, I just cut her strings.

Agatha waves her hands and frees all of the townsfolk of Wanda’s control. They all begin walking over to Wanda.


Pietro blends a smoothie.

MONICA: What is this stuff?

PIETRO: This is my man-cave. A place to chillax, you know, while the missus is stirring up trouble. You a fan of Steven Seagel?

Monica looks at some paperwork lying around.

MONICA: Agnes doesn’t live here, you do. You’re Ralph Bohner?

PIETRO: Boner. Haha.

MONICA: How is she controlling you?

Monica gets up.

PIETRO: You wanna tussle again? Huh? Huh?

Monica flips him onto the ground.

PIETRO: Meow, she’s feisty.

Monica notices a glowing necklace around Pietro’s neck. She rips it off, removing Agatha’s influence.

RALPH: Oh, oh god, please, spare my life!

MONICA: Nice to meet you, Ralph.


Billy and Tommy watch from a window as the two Visions fight.

BILLY: Can you see them anymore?


Billy has visions of Wanda.

TOMMY: Hey, what’s wrong?

BILLY: We’ve got to go!

They leave.


The townsfolk continue to surround Wanda.

HERB: I don’t recognize my face in the mirror, my voice when I speak. I used to try to resist you, but now, I can’t remember why, do you?

BEVERLY: My husband is on a business trip. Tell him I love him and not to come back here, ever.

DENNIS: I’m exhausted.

WANDA: No, you’re fine, you’re fine. You’re all, you’re all going to be fine.

NORM: When you let us sleep, we have your nightmares.

WANDA: No, that’s not true. I’ve, I’ve kept you safe in here. You, you feel, you feel at peace.

SARAH: We feel your pain.


MRS. HART: Your grief is poisoning us.

WANDA: No, stop.

NORM: Please, let us go.

HERB: I wanna go back home.

The voices in the crowd begin to overlap and drown each other out. Wanda turns around at them all, looking frantic. She yells out and sends out red magic around their necks, choking them.

WANDA: No. No, stop, I’m sorry.

She removes the magic choking them.

MRS. HART: If you won’t let us go, just let us die.

WANDA: I will. I will let you go. I will. I will.

AGATHA: What’s stopping you? Use your power and do it now. Heroes don’t torture people.

Wanda takes a moment to look around before sending a large stream of magic into the sky. The Hex begins to dissolve and the town flickers in and out of its normal state.

WANDA: Go, all of you, now, go!


Hayward and Rodriguez see the Hex begin to dissolve.

HAYWARD: This is it. We’re going in.


The townsfolk run as Wanda continues to dissolve the Hex. Agatha laughs.

AGATHA: Now you’ll see.

In the sky above them, the two Visions fight, shooting beams of energy at each other. Their beams meet for a moment and they get locked in a stalemate, but Wanda’s Vision falters as the Hex dissolves and gets shot to the ground. Elsewhere, a S.W.O.R.D. convoy enters the Hex. Vision falls near Wanda and gets up.

VISION: Wanda!

The twins arrive, also dissolving.

BILLY AND TOMMY: Mom! Help, mom!

AGATHA: Now do you see? You tied your family to this twisted world, and now one can’t exist without the other.



AGATHA: Save Westview or save your family.

BILLY: Help, please!

Wanda stops dissolving the Hex. It regrows and we cut to Jimmy watching from the outside as the FBI arrives. Vision and the twins reconstitute and run to Wanda.

WANDA: Hi, hi, hi.


BILLY: Mom, are you okay?

The family huddle around Wanda. Agatha chants and shoots magic at them.


Wanda creates a magic shield, which Agatha absorbs. Wanda looks at her hands, which are gray and drained.

BILLY: Mom, are you okay?

Wanda nods. Agatha flies around them.

AGATHA: How sweet.

White Vision arrives and hovers nearby.

TOMMY: Um, dad?

The S.W.O.R.D. convoy arrives. Agents come out and draw their guns, pointing them at the family. Hayward watches from one of the vehicles.

VISION: Listen, boys. Your mother and I never really prepared you for this.

WANDA: But you were born for it.

White Vision charges the family. Vision tackles him and their fight tumbles into the library.

VISION: Why are you doing this?

WHITE VISION: My programming directive is to destroy the Vision.

They continue fighting. Vision gets the upper hand and grabs White Vision from behind.

VISION: But I’m not the true Vision, only a conditional Vision.

White Vision phases and hovers away. Vision prepares to attack again but sees that White Vision has stopped.

WHITE VISION: I request elaboration.

Back outside, the S.W.O.R.D. agents point their guns at Agatha. She lifts them all up into the air.

AGATHA: Same story, different century. There’ll always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda.

She drops the agents.


Wanda uses her magic to catch them before they hit the ground.

WANDA: Boys, handle the military. Mommy will be right back.

Wanda flies to Agatha. Agatha shoots a bolt of magic at her and misses. Wanda disappears. Billy freezes all of the agents while Tommy grabs all of their guns. Hayward gets out of his vehicle. Monica arrives in time to see him raise his gun at the twins.

MONICA: No, no, no, no, no, stand down!

The twins look up at Hayward. Monica jumps in the way as Hayward fires. The bullets go through her and pass harmlessly out the other side, falling to the ground. One whizzes past her, but Billy uses his magic to stop it midair. Hayward’s gun clicks.

MONICA: Nice tricks.

BILLY: I like yours too.

Hayward runs into another vehicle and zooms backward. He shifts gears but looks up when he hears a horn honk. Darcy rams into him from the side in a circus van.

DARCY: Have fun in prison!

Back in the library, the two visions float around each other.

VISION: You are familiar with the thought experiment, the Ship of Theseus in the field of identity metaphysics?

WHITE VISION: Naturally. The Ship of Theseus is an artifact in a museum. Over time, its planks of wood rot and are replaced with new planks. When no original plank remains, is it still the Ship of Theseus?

VISION: Secondly, if those removed planks are restored and reassembled free of the rot, is that the Ship of Theseus?

WHITE VISION: Neither is the true ship. Both are the true ship.

VISION: Well then, we are agreed.

WHITE VISION: But I do not have the mind stone.

VISION: And I do not have one single ounce of original material. Perhaps the rot is the memories. the wear and tear of the voyages. The wood touched by Theseus himself.

WHITE VISION: I have not retained memories.

VISION: But you do have the data. It is merely being kept from you.

WHITE VISION: A weapon to be more easily controlled. But certainly you are the true Vision, for you believe yourself to be.

VISION: That was once the case, but upon meeting you, I have been disabused of that notion. As a carbon based synthezoid, your memory storage is not so easily wiped.

Vision reaches his hand out to White Vision. White Vision flinches.


White Vision lets Vision touch his head. He experiences flashes of memories from his past, including his relationship with Wanda and conflicts with Ultron and Thanos. Vision takes his hand away. White Vision’s eyes change from blue and robotic to human looking eyes.

WHITE VISION: I am Vision.

White Vision flies through the roof of the library. Vision goes back outside.



VISION: Boys, boys, boys, boys!


They embrace. Agatha stands on a building nearby. Wanda comes up behind her and sends them both into a vision. Agatha finds herself back on a stake. The corpses of her coven lay around her.


Wanda walks around to face her.

WANDA: See, the difference between you and me is that you did this on purpose.

The dead witches get up and face Agatha.

AGATHA: No! No, no, no! No, no! Please, I beg you! I beg you! No! No, no! No! No! No!

Agatha suddenly goes from looking panicked to calm. The witches begin whispering over one another.

WITCHES: Wanda. Wanda. Wanda Maximoff. You are a witch.

The witches turn to Wanda and point at her. Evanora gets up behind her.

EVANORA: You are the Scarlet Witch.

WITCHES: So it is written.

AGATHA: Told you so.

EVANORA: Harbinger of Chaos.

WITCHES: So it is foretold.

The witches grab her and replace her on the cross where Agatha was.

AGATHA: You can’t win, Wanda. Power isn’t your problem, it’s knowledge.

A red crown materializes on Wanda’s head.

AGATHA: Give me your power, and I will correct the flaws in your original spell. And you and your family and the people of Westview can all live together in peace. And no one will ever have to feel this pain again. Not even you.

WITCHES: So it is written. So it is foretold.

Wanda breaks free of the witches’ grasps. She tackles Agatha and they appear back out of the vision in Westview. They fly around and Wanda shoots magic at Agatha.

WANDA: Take it! I don’t want it.

Vision flies up towards the dueling witches. Wanda blocks him from getting close with her magic.

VISION: Wanda, what are you doing?

AGATHA: Come on, Wanda!

Wanda shoots another shot at Agatha but misses. Agatha gets a confused look on her face but continues to fly around. Vision flies back down and embraces the twins. Agatha cackles as they fly around each other. Wanda’s body continues to deteriorate.

AGATHA: Come on, Wanda! Escape your fate!

Wanda continues shooting magic at her, occasionally missing and hitting the walls of the Hex. Outside, Jimmy sees the missed shots make waves as they hit the walls.

AGATHA: Release your burden! There’s more, I want it all!

After a few more shots, Agatha appears to drain the rest of Wanda’s power.


AGATHA: About our deal… Once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made will always be broken. Just like you.

Agatha tries to shoot Wanda but nothing happens. She tries again and looks down at her hands. Wanda appears to regain her energy. The camera slowly pans over her to reveal the walls of the Hex have been engraved with runic symbols.

AGATHA: Runes.

WANDA: “In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic.” Thanks for the lesson. But I don’t need you to tell me who I am.

A red crown again appears on Wanda.

AGATHA: No. No. No. No!

Wanda begins to absorb her power back from Agatha, who yells out.

AGATHA: No, no!

Wanda continues draining Agatha’s power. Wanda ends up wearing a full Scarlet Witch getup.

AGATHA: Oh, god. You don’t know what you’ve done.

Wanda lowers them both back down into Westview. Agatha falls to the ground.

AGATHA: Good girl. So, what now? Just gonna lock me up somewhere?

WANDA: No, not somewhere. Here.


WANDA: Mhm. I’ll give you the role you chose. The nosy neighbor.

Wanda walks closer to her.

AGATHA: No, please.

WANDA: I’m sorry.

AGATHA: No you’re not, you’re cruel! You, you have no idea what you’ve unleashed. You’re gonna need me.

WANDA: If I do, I’ll know where to find you.

AGATHA: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait!

Wanda touches Agatha, turning her back into Agnes.

AGNES: Hiya, hon! Say, that’s some kinda getup you’re wearing. Did I leave the oven on, or is that just you, hot stuff.

WANDA: You live here now. No one will ever bother you.

AGNES: Okie dokie, artichoke.

WANDA: I’ll be seeing you.

AGNES: Not if I see you first, hon.



The twins run over to Wanda.

TOMMY: Are you okay?

VISION: So, it would appear that our dream home has been reduced to a fixer upper. I know you’ll set everything right, just not for us.

WANDA: No. Not for us.

VISION: It’s time. Should we head home?

WANDA: Yeah.

Wanda locks eyes with Monica before the family leaves. The Hex begins to pull back in, slowly returning Westview to normal.


The family arrives back at the house. Wanda and Vision return to normal clothes as they enter. The Hex continues shrinking as Wanda and Vision tuck the twins into bed.

WANDA: Okay, hop in. Snug as a bug.

VISION: Big day today. Your mother and I… are very proud of you both.

WANDA: Very proud. You know, a family is forever. We could never truly leave each other even if we tried. You know that, right?

The twins nod. Wanda and Vision each kiss the twins foreheads.

VISION: Good night, chaps.

BILLY AND TOMMY: Good night dad. Good night mom.

Wanda and Vision stand in the doorway and look at the twins.

WANDA: Boys… Thanks for choosing me to be your mom.

The twins smile. Wanda turns off the light and closes the door behind her and Vision. The Hex continues shrinking and more of the town is returned to normal. Wanda looks at a family photo in the living room for a moment. She turns off a lamp and then another one. Vision turns the first lamp back on. Wanda turns to him.

VISION: Oh, I, uh. Read somewhere that it’s bad luck to say goodbye in the dark.

WANDA: No you didn’t.

VISION: No, no, Perhaps no. Perhaps… I just wanted to see you clearly.


VISION: And there you are.

They go to the window and watch as the shrinking walls of the Hex approach.

VISION: Wanda, I know we can’t stay like this. But before I go, I feel I must know. What am I?

WANDA: You, Vision, are the piece of the mind stone that lives in me.You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you’re my love.

They kiss.

VISION: I have been a voice with no body, a body but not human, and now, a memory made real. Who knows what I might be next? We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason…

WANDA: We’ll say hello again.

The Hex shrinks around the house. It begins to flicker back through all of its different iterations and Vision begins to dissolve.

VISION: So long, darling.

Wanda ends up standing in an empty lot. She pulls her hoodie up over her head.


Wanda walks back into town. Many of the townsfolk stare at her. Monica sees her as she approaches.

MONICA: They’ll never know what you sacrificed for them.

WANDA: It wouldn't change how they see me. And you, you don’t, you don’t hate me?

MONICA: Given the chance and given your power, I’d bring my mom back. I know I would.

WANDA: I’m sorry for all the pain I caused.

MONICA: I know.

WANDA: I don’t understand this power, but I will.

Sirens approach in the distance.

WANDA: Goodbye, Monica.

MONICA: Bye Wanda.

Wanda flies off as the FBI arrives.

MONICA: Good luck.

Wanda flies over Westview in her Scarlet Witch outfit, taking one final look back before leaving.



Jimmy stands surrounded by other agents and addresses them.

JIMMY: Alright everybody, gather round. The pharmacy looks like the best spot for medical. And evidence collection can begin at the hardware store, Miguel. Let’s move.

The agents disperse. Jimmy sees Monica standing nearby.

JIMMY: Monica.

MONICA: Authority looks good on you, Jimmy.

JIMMY: Where’s Darcy?

MONICA: Something about, “Debriefs are for the weak.” But, um, we can thank her for that.

They look at Hayward being arrested. An agent approaches.

AGENT: Captain Rambeua, they’re asking for you in the theater.

MONICA: Thank you.

They walk past the throngs of people into the movie theater.

AGENT: Alright, let’s go.

Monica walks down the rows of seats to the front of the theater. She looks around confused and the agent comes closer.

AGENT: I was sent by an old friend of your mothers.

The agent shakes their head, transforming into a Skrull.

AGENT: He heard you’d been grounded. He’d like to meet with you.

MONICA: Where?

The Skrull just points up. Monica looks shocked, then smiles.



We see shots of mountainous forests and lakes. The camera closes in on Wanda sitting on the front porch of a lakeside cabin. A kettle inside begins whistling. She gets up and walks in. The camera pans to another room where another Wanda is reading the Darkhold, suspended mid air. The voices of the twins echo faintly in her mind.

BILLY: Mom, help!

TOMMY: Mom, help, please!

Wanda looks up from the Darkhold, a determined expression growing on her face. She waves her hand in front of the camera, causing red to take over the screen.

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