The Mouse Song lyrics
by Disney
One, two, three, four
Four little mice, how many more?
Five, six, seven, eight
Eight little mice with clothes
In fancy clothes, big fancy folks
As fancy folks keep saying
Just think what fancy clothes can do
For eight little mice rigged out, displaying
Hats, spats, silk, rug, that's petty coats and panties
If gentlemen and ladies have the right to put on heirs
A mouse should have the right to be proud of the clothes he wears
In London or in Paris
No one is ever better dressed than we
A million dollar hеiress
Couldn't put on clothes more еlegant to see
Our clothes are properly designed
Our shoes are neat and tiny
Although our tails stick out behind
The barber keeps them bright and shiny
I hate dress this way
How can we help concluding?
If gentlemen and ladies have the right to put on heirs
A mouse should have the right to be proud of the clothes he wears
That he wears
That he wears
That he wears