So to Be One of Us lyrics
by Disney
Twin 1: Well, to be one of us...
Jane: Yes?
Twin 2: There are some things to know
Jane: What's that?
Slightly: (with a slight yawn) We like to dream all day
Twin 1: And then, at night, we play
Lost Boys: We swing on limbs of trees
Cubby: 'Til we wake up the bees
Lost Boys (plus Peter): These are the things we Lost Boys do!
Twin 1: We swing from rope to rope
Twin 2: We have no use for soap
Twin 1: With open mouths we chomp
Twin 2: (with slightly full mouth) On mud pies from the swamp
Lost Boys: And then we top it off
Cubby: With pudding from a trough
Lost Boys (plus Peter): These arе the things we Lost Boys do!
We'rе rolling in dirt
And we won't change our shirts
Jane: (laughs)
Lost Boys (plus Peter): We're marching around
To see what makes a sound!
Peter (speaking): Dare ya to throw that rock!
Jane (speaking): I'll get a triple-skip!
Peter (speaking): Dare you to explore that cave!
Jane (speaking) : I'll have an overnight trip!
Peter: And if you're feeling scared
Lost Boys (plus Jane): I'll have my friends right there!
Lost Boys (plus Peter): These are the things we Lost Boys do!