One, two, one, two, three
All my all my all my all my
All my all my all my all my
All my all my all my all my
Ducklings! (Tekkno)
All my ducklings
Are swimming on the lake
Their little heads dip into the water
Their little tails stick out
Ducklings? Who the f*ck is ducklings?
I'm the producer, I'm the producer
I'm the producer, I'm the producer
He's making the big money
With noises out of the computer
Without instruments
Has already earned his pension
Tekkno, Tekkno, Tekkno, Tekkno
Tekkno works all the time, except during a power cut
Power cut, oh my god, no teenies any more
Teenies away, no more money, money makes the Tekkno-World go around
Fox you've stolen the goose
Give it back, give it back!
Otherwise the hunter will come and get you with his gun
Otherwise the hunter will come and get you with his gun