Orgiastic Disembowelment lyrics
by Cryptopsy
You have sinned, you will die
You will be absorbed
No more god, safe at last
Embrace the abyss
The dark is warm, comforting
Welcome to the fold
Close your soul, turn your heart
Let us prey on the weak
Feed the dark with their flesh;
Orgiastic disembowelment
Orgiastic disembowelment
Wretched birth, cursed by life
Now the way is shown
Happily suffering
Skyclad flagellants
Bask in the impure
Caresses of the scourge
Mortified, there is no
Sacrifice too great
Let us prey on the weak
Feed the dark with their flesh;
Orgiastic disembowelment
"I am filth
Born of sh*t
And I am
Beloved of flies"
Abomination, in the eyes of all that is holy
We know who and what you are...
We've learned your name, we know your name
Resisilobus, your only designs on the living
Are to oppress and possess;
To make them cry, to make them die
"As I arose
Heaven wept
For I am
Beloved of flies"
Moonlight bloodbath...
The gore runs as black
As their unclean hearts;
Goat cult rite
Gore-soaked virgin
In bleeding frenzy
Parts with her maker
Amidst weeping spirits
"That's it... Go ahead and run! Run home and cry to mama!"