When I go to the super store
People look so tired and bored and their backs are sore
As I walk up and down the aisles
The people they don't smile they look so vile
They shop around and blanky stare
They seem so unware. I look inside of their
S-h-o-p-p-i-n-g c-a-are-t, what do you think I see?
White bread blues
White sugar cubes
Black tar and nicotine
Red meat schemes
Dad, he had a heart attack
Mom's got a bending back and a choking hack
Little sister's got a lumpy chest
Cancer of the breast, all the rest
And Bobby Joe just can't sit still
He's got to take a pill or else he gets ill
And oh we're such a healthy family
We take our vitamin C, wash it down with Pepsi
White bread blues
White sugar cubes
Black tar and nicotine
Red meat schemes
Fruits are gassed and waxed and nuked
Till it is not a fruit, it makes me wanna puke
Bred for looks and not for taste
For dollars and for haste, it's such a waste
And I feel sorry for the lambs
The turkeys and the hams caught in the scam
I know "we are not what we eat, we are what we don't sh*t*"
And that is it
White bread blues
White sugar cubes
Black tar and nicotine
Red meat schemes
(* Hugh Romney)