Followe Thy Faire Sunne Unhappy Shaddowe lyrics
by Of The Wand & The Moon
Followe thy faire sunne unhappy shaddowe
Though thou be blacke as night
And she made all of light
Yet follow thy faire sunne unhappie shaddowe
Follow her whose light thy light depriveth
Though here thou liv´st disgrac´t
And she in heaven is plac´t
Yet follow her whose light the world reviveth
Follow those pure beams whose beautie burneth
That so have scorched thee
As thou still blacke must bee
Til her kind beames thy black to brightnes turneth
Follow her while yet her glorie shineth
There comes a luckles night
That will dim all her light
And this the black unhappie shade devineth
Follow still since so thy fates ordained
The sunne must have his shade
Till both at once doe fade
The sun still prov´d the shadow still disdained