Encore Break - Live in Boston, Massachusetts, 29-August-2000 lyrics
by Victoria Williams
[Spoken Word: Eddie Vedder]
I have to say, you'll have to check all the bootlegs to make sure I've never said this before, but I think this is the liveliest crowd since Europe. No, no, no, thank you, thank you. I've got some friends in the front. That's nice. Keep trying on that one. Um, and I'd hate to take advantage of being irresponsible with the attention you've given us, but it's getting difficult as we come up on this- it could be - an interesting election year, if people were to get involved. It's hard not to say anything about it, and I hope you don't mind, we do. Just to let you know, I spoke with someone last night on a porch out in North Hampton or something. And they weren't aware there was another choice besides the boring Republicans, and the getting-more-boring-everyday Democrats. And I was talking to another friend in New York who's voting for the Green Party. But this friend of mine, he knew who Ralph Nader was, and he loved who he was, but he wasn't aware that he was running, so like to let you know that. But also, it's not really voting for him. It's that if you gave him some support at this point, there might be some chance we could get him into the debate. Which then we'd have a more interesting debate than just two people who are very similar. And one of the reasons we talk about it here is because I know you're highly intelligent and educated crowd. We won't even bring it up in Philadelphia. Well, we might. So, this one is kind of in my head, but hopefully I'll get through this