In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
88:1 Hast thou received the story of the Enveloper?
Faces on that day humbled, labouring, toilworn,
roasting at a scorching fire,
88:5 watered at a boiling fountain,
no food for them but cactus thorn
unfattening, unappeasing hunger.
Faces on that day jocund,
with their striving well-pleased,
in a sublime Garden, hearing there no babble;
therein a running fountain,
therein uplifted couches
and goblets set forth
88:15 and cushions arrayed
and carpets outspread.
What, do they not consider how the camel was created,
how heaven was lifted up,
how the mountains were hoisted,
88:20 how the earth was outstretched?
Then remind them! Thou art only a reminder;
thou art not charged to oversee them.
But he who turns his back, and disbelieves,
God shall chastise him with the greatest chastisement.
88:25 Truly, to Us is their return;
then upon Us shall rest their reckoning.