I Turned Double Life Into a Song lyrics
by Evil Anvil
[Verse 1: All]
Welcome back to yet another season
We now have a soulmate, for whatever reason
I'm sorry, I need to get my stuff
So, this is it Joel, we found true love
We're doing great, here we go, first date
I need to find my soulbound, it's too late
My soulmate is Scott, we don't need you, bye
My heart's kinda broken, I'm not gonna lie
The ugliest base ever seen, that's clever
The ranch is looking better than ever
Someone said that we are now 'SmallEtho'
I hate that, I don't know what else we could be, though
I don't exactly know how this is gonna turn out
We're the homewreckers, so, we plant seeds of doubt
I burned down the ranch, oh, Scar, poor idea
In a couple minutes, a Warden should appear
[Chorus: Pearl]
(Something wicked this way comes)
Something wicked this way comes
Something wicked this way comes
[Verse 2: All]
Yeah, sonic boom, oh, my goodness, we have to fight
Together forever, into the night, this is totally safe
Pretty sure that's a lie, get yourself a sword and don't die
The sun's going down, we fear for our safety
I'm sorry, I think I got a little bit crazy
So, I messed up first, you messed up worse
The ship burns, everything burns
Nice rhyme, what, rhyming 'burns' with 'burns'?
Okay, we will start with a trust fall, three, two, one
Martyn killed me, what is going on?
I did the math in my head, but clearly missed the one
Decked out, head to toe, okay, uh what's next?
I need to team up with my crazy ex
You bet your best gear, I am an S-Tier
We're looking for sugarcane under the chest here?
Every base is burned down, we're all cursed
The question is: Who's gonna die first?
It's time to go, my buddy's coming home
Oh, no, thank you so much, Ren
We had honor to defend, we were loyal to the end
Let's break some hearts, nothing's worked so far
Oh, I'm so sorry, Scar, I don't know what to do
I'll go in unison with you, Etho, get back through
[Chorus: Pearl & Bdubs]
(Something wicked this way comes)
(Something wicked this way comes)
(Something wicked this way comes, she's losing her freaking mind)
(Something wicked this way comes, she's crazy)
(Something wicked this way comes)
(Something wicked this way comes)
(Hahahaha) Call the dogs of war
[Verse 3: All]
Oh, my goodness, we have to fight
Together forever, into the night
This is totally safe, pretty sure that's a lie
Get yourself a sword and don't die
The sun's going down, we fear for our safety
I'm sorry, I think I got a little bit crazy
Are you by yourself? We'll kill you right now
Your life is my life, oh, wow, Pearl
That was wild, together forever
Into the night, this is totally safe, pretty sure that's a lie
Get yourself a sword and don't die
The sun's going down, we fear for our safety
I wouldn't think that you would be the one to betray me
She's been corrupting you this entire time
You sound unhinged, oh, I'm doing just fine
[Outro: Pearl & Scott]
Hi, Scott, I didn't think it would end this way
I honestly didn't have a lot of faith in us
I think, Pearl, you deserve this more
Excuse me, what do you mean?
In the same way, Tilly death do us part, Pearl
Wait, Scott what are you doing?
Tilly death do us part
What are you doing? Scott