Good Work lyrics
by Ike Reilly
Graduation has come and gone
Summer's here and the party's on
No scratch to spend, no ride to drive
No way to kill my summertime
The coach from the school said he'd get me a job
If I mention his name, they oughta put me on
Yeah, that's good work
If you's can get it
And you best believe, coach
I won't forget it
As the rich kids steal the poor kids' dance
At the after party near the underpass
Met a greasy little girl at the Liberty Lanes
On her break from the 30 minute oil change
Bought a can of pop, she took a sip and said
"There's an after party at the dealership
Tonight I'd like you to meet me later
I'll bring the after party favors
And after that, there's an after-after-party party
We'll shake the rafters, make the coach a martyr"
Yeah, that's good work
If you can get it
And you best believe, coach
I won't forget it
As the rich kids sing the poor kids' songs
At the after party all night long
At the bar in town, the coach just sits
Waiting for the party at the dealership
The drunk ex-cheerleaders all come in
And they're outta school now, so they're into him
The rich kids rave, the poor kids dance
They gather out near the underpass
Near the grain elevator where the strip mall slammed
Into the school board meeting where they just banned
Guns and prayers and knives and gangs
And cut funding for the marching band
And the puts and the shots and the vaccines for
Keeping coaches off the cheerleaders
Keeping coaches off the cheerleaders
Stretching hamstrings on the floor
Yeah, that's good work
If you can get it
And you best believe, coach
I won't forget it
As the rich kids steal the poor kids' dance
At the after party near the underpass
I walked out lookin' for the coach's job
To the human resource office of
The place of employment where it was clear
That the coach didn't do me no favors there
I rang the bell on the counter and I heard it toll
And as the lips came creeping out through the hole
Of the Plexiglass and started saying
"The likes of you don't work these jobs
Whatcha doin' down here, my man?
Lookin' for work?"
If I could get it
If you put me on
You won't regret it
And no one here knows more than me what debt is
As the rich kids sing the poor kids' songs
At the after party all night long
Yeah, the rich kids steal the poor kids' dance
At the after party near the underpass
Yeah, the rich kids steal the poor kids' songs
Summer's here and the party's on
Graduation has come and gone
Summer's here and the party's on
No scratch to spend, no ride to drive
No way to kill the summertime