What shines when the eyes are dull?
What folds in when the hinge is gone?
The moth is dead without the dust
I'm dead without a fuss
All I know is you, no, I can't
All I know is you, no, I can't change
Below the shelf it's a happier home
And all your neighbors, they love each other
And your friends are having so much fun
They're baking cakes and f*cking swapping numbers
All I know is you, no, I can't
All I know is you, no, I can't change
The slightest weight upsets the scale
Simple words are growing vague
We're twinned but put against
One shape under the magnifying glass
Please no adlib
The world is cruel and outsides licking lips
All I know let's shed the myth
Let's cut out this, cut out this bit and this bit