Welcome to The Gods We Can Touch lyrics
[Transcript - AURORA]
I really admire when people have the gift of faith and I like when the gods are kind of pictured less almightly and all-divine and all-knowing. I really like the Greek mythology and I love the fact that there is this whole religion with all these gods and goddeses that have these flaws and human abilities and they all have their own field that they're good at. And I find it really beautiful that when we first started making this rеligions or discovering these gods, thеy started out so much more human. And then with time, it seemed that they became more and more untouchable. Which I think is sad. It is very clear to me that people like to recognise themselves in whoever they look up to. And it's sad that no one can recognise themselves in someone as perfect and all-knowing and almightly as God. And I think we need a little extra comfort