Why Inception Is Illogical lyrics
by Hans Zimmer
Look first and foremost I like the movie, got a copy. It's no big deal alright. It’s fiction, I get it. No bashing the actors, they all did a superb job, the scenery was all very well set up. The music and effects were amazing, but I'm talking about simply the plot.
Let's start with the biggest reason. TIME.
Time in the dream is described as going by slowly, and what is only a few minutes of sleep might feel like an entire day in a dream, and dreaming for hours might feel like an entire lifetime.
First of all I was thinking "Okay, the deeper the layer, the slower time goes by... so basically it’s going to feel like a very long time. Alright then what happened?" And I watched the movie with gullibility. After watching it a few times, I got to thinking wait a minute the math just doesn't add up.
In the last scene where they try to plant the thought inside of the vault, they have a three layer dream.
There's many "Theorists" that believe that the living world was also a dream, so there were 6 layers and blah... That's not what I'm getting at here. It's simple math.
Cobb, Arthur, Ariadne, Eames, Fischer and Saito all go into Yusuf's dream, the first level is supposedly the one in which time goes by faster. When asked how slowly would time go by in the third layer of the dream, the chemist said that he could be in there for a whole lifetime, or maybe 40 whole years which described by the semi ending scene is exactly what happened, Cobb gets to Old Saito and it has been 40 years, Saito is old and only has a faint remembrance of him in limbo.
So let's do the math. A year has 365 days, times 24 is 8,760 hours. Multiply that by 60 to get the amount of minutes in a year and we get 525,600 minutes. There are 21,024,000 minutes in 40 years of life. and when describing the level before limbo could be a few months. Three months or 90 days would have 2,160 minutes in the same 15 minutes. So let’s talk about ratios.
The ratio of the first level of the dream (a few hours) Is 0.0625:1
The ratio of the second level of the dream is 0.0069:1
The ratio of the third level of the dream which is about a year is 2.85x10^-5:1
The scene that the van is falling off of the bridge at it’s slowest is 4 minutes and 8 seconds till it hit the water and everyone technically "woke up." To make it easier to calculate let's not make it a 4:08, but an even 4 minutes.
Slowing down to the speed of .5, would have meant a 8 minute clip. to .25, a 16 minute clip, to .14, a 32 minute clip, to .07 a 64 minute clip, to .03 a 128 minute clip, to .015 a 256 minute clip, to .0075 a 512 minute clip and that’s close to the margin we want which is slowing it down to .0069, to the second layer of the dream so we can have an approximation that the result would be equivalent to 800 minutes.
That's 13 days. Yet, as the van falls, that whole snow bunker mission scene is 45 minutes long. That's a 1:3 ratio.
Secondly Ariadne the "Architect" of the dream is doing what dreaming exactly? isn't she supposed to be "designing the dream?" how is she doing that by actively participating in the dream. I’ve done level design in Unity 3D and it takes mad time, loading the right sample, setting algorithms for behaviors of things, the movements, time, graphics... Light rendering takes a bunch of time. Yet, she does that by doing nothing at all and just actively participating in the dream. Ubisoft for an example takes months and a team of developers to develop, the graphics of a few maps in a game. If the argument is that "she does it subconsciously" well the dream is subconscious, so she would have to be actively doing it during it. Also, if that's subconscious, couldn't it be anyone?
Thirdly the most illogical thing is the argument that if they get submerged in water, or die, or fall they wake up immediately. So these characters would have been dreaming for 40 entire years without taking a single shower, slipping on a banana peel or anything, falling at all, or dying? Cobb during the limbo stage appears to have been washed to the shore. Shore implies water. How come he didn't wake up?