Jayton and Jill lyrics
by Zane Williams
Jayton had a job for seven bucks an hour
At the fillin' station by the water tower
Just checkin' oil and fixin' flats
The kind of kid most folks just look past
Jill was the local preacher's kid gone wild
Most the time her daddy couldn't stand his own child
He'd quote the scripture with an angry shout
And list her all the reasons she would never turn out
She was drunk one night on the fourth of July
Parked in a pasture with an out-of-town guy
He got mad when she said no
And he tore her Sunday dress
She was wanderin' alone on a county road
When the lights came over the hill
That was the moment when Jayton met Jill
He said hey, do you need a ride home
She said go away, leave me alone
But he noticed the bruise and the frightened tears
Said there ain't no way in Hell I'm leavin' you out here
It was rainin' a little and fixin' to storm
And his Mustang jacket looked dry and warm
So she let him wrap it ‘round her and she climbed inside
Sayin' OK I guess thanks for the ride
At an all-night diner they waited out the storm
Ended up talking right up 'til dawn
By the time he dropped her off safe at home
Neither one felt so alone
Two lost souls found a connection that's blessin' both of them still
On that night when Jayton when Jill
And what Jayton never told her about that night
Is how he'd taken his dad's old .45
He'd been drivin' ‘round thinkin' how no one would miss him If he just ended it all
He couldn't see past his own pain
'Til he saw a pretty girl walkin' in the rain
Thank God he made it over that hill
That was the moment when Jayton met Jill