Today I daydreamed of being shot
Left to bleed at a Parkdale Dollarmart
And beggars laughed as my coins
Fell out and caught the sun
And sparkled like that first day
You caught my eyes but now I lay
With no dollars and a bleeding head
So the lesson learned
Is to always spend before you dream
So no one will pick up
Your coins and have better luck
Then leave
They tossed me in a limousine
Headed southbound towards the CNE
Where I watched the carnies
Set up a ferris wheel
I caught your eyes and I realized
That nuts and bolts were left
On the ground to shine
And you laughed as I was the first to board
So the lesson learned
Is to never ride after you spot
Her disastrous eyes
That never lie and leave you lost
And when I'm sad I look for tragedy
To save me from my memories
That whisk me to a place where
The roads are long
Where all signs point towards familiar sights
Of too much smoking and wild nights
Where no daydreams distract me
When I'm in bed alone
So my lesson learned
Is to always breathe
When the tide comes in
Cause I'm better off to be swept away then to just jump in