Waves and Wires lyrics
Light is made of waves
Sound is made of waves
People are not made of waves
Light is made of waves
Sound is made of waves
People are not made of waves
Circuits have wires
People have veins
Wires carry light
Veins carry blood
Circuits have wires
People have veins
Wires carry light
Veins carry blood
Dancing would be easier
If dancing was…
Still I know, current only can flow on a closed path
Light is made of waves
Sound is made of waves
Feelings come in waves
Feelings go in waves
[ASHLEY, spoken]
This hand goes on their shoulder. And then, these two hands, what do you think they do? Any guesses? You’re going to hold hands
One, two, three, four, five, six
One, two, three, four, five, six
Social cues are too confusing
But numbers are... clear
How to learn what the social cues mean is why I’m here
One, two, three, four, five, six
One, two, three, four, five, six
Everything out of control
How to ask a girl out
Cause if I don’t ask this girl out
I know, I’ll regret my cowardice for all eternity
[MEL, overlapping]
Do you know what insanity is?
Doing the same thing over and over
Each time expecting a different result
(How to ask a girl out
Cause if I don’t ask this girl out
I know, I’ll regret my cowardice for all eternity.)
[CAROLINE, overlapping]
I think my boyfriend is angry
Though, I don’t know the reason why
All I know is he hasn’t returned my calls since last Monday
(Do you know what insanity is?
Doing the same thing over and over
Each time expecting a different result)
(How to ask a girl out
Cause if I don’t ask this girl out
I know, I’ll regret my cowardice for all eternity.)
[MARIDETH, overlapping]
Screen is square, light is blue
With people, who knows what they'll do?
[REMY, overlapping]
The look today is bravery
The look today is try new things
The look today is bravery
The look today is try new things
(I think my boyfriend is angry
No, I don’t know the reason why
He hasn’t returned my calls since last Monday)
(Do you know what insanity is?
Doing the same thing over and over
Each time expecting a different result)
(How to ask a girl out
Because if I don’t ask this girl out
I know, I’ll regret my cowardice for all eternity.)
[JESSICA and TOMMY, overlapping]
Is today the day?
Is today the day?
[ASHLEY, overlapping]
Come home, recover
Reset, get well
But something else was broken
Before I fell
(Screen is square, light is blue
With people, who knows what they'll do?)
(The look today is bravery
The look today is try new things
The look today is bravery
The look today is try new things)
(I think my boyfriend is angry
No, I don’t know the reason why
He hasn’t returned my calls since last Monday)
(Do you know what insanity is?
Doing the same thing over and over
Each time expecting a different result)
(How to ask a girl out
Cause if I don’t ask this girl out
I know, I’ll regret my cowardice for all eternity.)
Today is…
Light is made of waves
Sound is made of waves
People are not made of waves
Circuits have wires
People have veins
Circuits are clear
People are…
People are…
People are...
Circuits have wires
People have veins
Circuits are clear
People are…
I don’t know…
But unlike a circuit
(PARENTS, DR. AMIGO, ASHLEY: Circuits are clear, veins carry blood)
But unlike a circuit
(PARENTS, DR. AMIGO, ASHLEY: Feelings come in waves. Feelings come and go.)
(GROUP: Six, five, four, three, two, one.)
But unlike a circuit
(GROUP: Six, five, four, three, two, one.)
A person can grow
Today is…
Today is…
Today… today…
Today is..