[SCHWARZY, spoken]
I’d just like to take one moment to thank my two fathers who've been so supportive of me in all of my endeavors. Thank you, dads!
[CARL] We hate losers Which is why we discipline God hates losers Because losers do not know how to win (spoken) Yes we do! Go get ‘em! |
[DAN, spoken] No one likes a loser! But he loves you! And we have faith in you Yes we do! |
I hope you can love me, America
I’m gunning for first prize!
Here’s why you should love me, America
My needs I cannot overemphasize
I make myself crazy
Being what my dads hope I’ll be
But what about me, dads?
What about me?
Jesus Christ! What about me?
[CARL, spoken]
Practice your breathing, Logainne
Though I practice yoga, I don’t breathe
I try not to disappoint
But still I
Disappoint the dads
Who my friends mock
Kids are mean
Kids’ll talk
All my so-called "friends"
Roll their eyes
They’re incredibly petty
Because my dads are my dads
And alright enough already
Woe is me
Woe is me
Which is why I gotta win this spelling bee
[CARL, spoken]
Take a picture for her B.M.
[SCHWARZY, spoken]
[DAN, spoken]
Don’t call her B.M., Carl.
[CARL, spoken]
Sorry. Her "Birth Mother."
[SCHWARZY, spoken]
Peggy Jenkins!
[DAN, spoken]
She’d be very proud if she could see you spell!
My birth mother lives in Kansas, MO
In a trailer, in a park
Every now and then she sends a card
"Life and men," she writes, "are hard."
She would like to meet me when I’m grown
And I’ve burst like a comet
But I’m so stressed by my stress
I just wanna up and vomit
Woe is me
Woe is me
Which is why I gotta win this spelling—
Be smart
Be cool
Be an adult
Be remarkably adroit
In social situations
[SCHWARZY] Woe is me Woe is me Which is why I gotta win This spelling Bee |
[DADS] Which is why she's gotta win This spelling Bee |
[SPELLERS] Be smart, be cool Be smart, be cool Be smart, be cool Be smart, be Which is why she’s gotta win This spelling Bee |