Jericho lyrics
by Dean Blunt
He has leaded us into captivity
This is slavery right here!
He has lead himself into captivity reach
He has lead em into captivity!
So go into capt-!
And he's going into captivity-
Get ready white boy, you next
George Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher
All you white people get ready for war
Are they Caucasian? (That doesn't mean anything)
Are they Caucasian? (Yes they are)
Are you Caucasian? (Yes I am)
Then there arе your answers, you are to pay for it
Listen don't try to squirm out of this whitе boy (I'm asking a question)
You gonna get ready for slavery alright?
You wanna get on your knees right now? (No)
Then get the hell out of here
I don't know why you're holding me responsible for the things-
Because you're the devil
How do you know that?
Because I'm looking at you
How do you know what's in my heart?
Because your heart is deceitful
Because you're a liar
You don't know me, I don't know you and you don't know me
Yes I know you better than you know you!
Jacob used to sell more negro out to the Puerto Ricans
You're the beginning of his next following
You're the beginning that's gonna raise our free
Wisdom of Solomon Five, Verse 1:
Then shall the righteous man stand in great boldness!
Before the face of such and have afflicted him
Before the face of such and have afflicted him, he afflicted him!
So we stand with boldness in his face! (That's right, that's right)
So we stand with boldness in his face!
You so-called white men you had over 400 years to extend your hand to the world
And to share this kingdom with everybody but you wasn't meant to do that
You were set up to be the devil on Earth
I tip my hat off to you, you've done a good job
You've done a good, excellent job of being evil, and wicked and perverse
And deceiving and deceptive!
Not all white people are terrible
It's not how- what I think
See you- see
You and your ma-
All of you-
Listen to us, do you misunderstand us?
It's not what I think-
Wait te-
What about us is God created a race of people and called them the wicked
He called them the devil, he called them Lucifer
Because you have the seed of wickedness that was brined in you
Who is that?
That's the people that you all call yourselves white people today
Isaiah 14:21: Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquities of their fathers
In other words, you gon' pay for the crimes of your forefathers
And guess what? Reincarnation
You are the reincarnation of your forefathers
That's a high level knowledge that you're not even on
Reincarnation is real
You are your forefathers
So get ready
I just can't hate anybody
It's just- if people wanna hate me, what can I say?
If people wanna hate me because of what my forefathers did, then so be it
If they wanna take my life let them, if it makes them feel better
But I'll just ask God for forgiveness