Bartok the Magnificent lyrics
by Stephen Flaherty
Once in Mongolia, I noticed a fire
Whole city burning and the flames getting higher
They're yelling "Save us or we're all gonna bake!"
I ate the flames and then I drank the whole lake!
They call me Bartok the Magnificent
The specific'lly, terrific'lly Magnificent
A mammal so inflammable he saved the day
I tell ya, B-A-R-T-O-K
One time in Hungary, this dragon appears
He's very "hung-a-ry", no dinner in years
And then he grabs me and I'm practic'lly through
-But I summoned all my strength, and using the dragon's body weight against him, I threw him off me! I gave him a one to the solar plexus and then two for the kidneys-
He was deflated because I knew my kung-fu
That's why I'm-
-Bartok the Magnificent
With a "Ha!" and a "Hi-ya!" that are significant
That dragon hasn't eaten since that fateful day-
Thanks to B-A-R-T-O-K
Bartok the Magnificent
Undeniably, reliably magnificent
And Heaven help the harpy who gets in my way
I guess I'm just a natural or so they say
This bat'll go to battle for you come what may
I tell ya-