Where The F*&K Did April Go lyrics
by The Streets
It's you and me, is it?
The fun is over this summer
The sun is over the horizon
But the moon can see it
[Verse 1]
Blinds cast shadows of prison bars
My mind addled with a little hard stuff
My mind as shallow as a paddling pool
10K steps, all in the flat
Two steps forwards, one look back
Whoever said, "People can't change the world"
Has never ate an uncooked bat
Deep down inside, I wanted not to want you
Deep down inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off
[Verse 2]
Philosophy and history
Kant said, "To be is to do"
Nietzsche, "To do is to be"
Frank Sinatra, "Do-be-do"
"We're all in this together"'s
The caring headline of an airline
Try and say that when your suitcase weighs
Three kilos over
It's you and me, is it?
The fun is over this summer
The sun is over the horizon
But the moon can see it
[Verse 3]
Like nines will fly out into Milan
Four months older and bored stupid
For now, you're a model on Instagram
And I'm a soldier on Call of Duty
Deep down inside, I wanted not to want you
Deep down inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off
[Verse 4]
I can read you like a book
But the covers are far apart
April, every day's the same
March was like march to march
Do you a favour, use these days
To read and grow and learn
My next-door neighbour thinks he's a DJ (Shut up!)
It's you and me, is it?
The fun is over this summer
The sun is over the horizon
But the moon can see it
[Verse 5]
Your hair is looking bait, you know
Scared to look in case you know
Scared to f*ck what fate will throw
Where the f*ck did April go?
Deep down inside, I wanted not to want you
Deep down inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off
Deep down inside, I wanted not to want you
Deep down inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off
[Verse 6]
Doctors posted in my dreams
Gathering storms brew at sea
Not for nothing, am I doing nothing
Gathering thoughts for a new me?
Need to get back to my fighting weight
Need to get back to biting bae
Need to get back to finding paper
It's you and me, is it?
The fun is over this summer
The sun is over the horizon
But the moon can see it
Deep down inside, I wanted not to want you
Deep down inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off
Deep down inside, I wanted not to want you
Deep down inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off