Black Parade lyrics
by Globus
Now have we seen this light for the last time
They're turning back the clock and we won't survive
On just hope this time
They slowly break us down from the inside
And force a way of life we don't recognize
And free will has died
We take our breath for the last time
We'll give it one more cry before they burn a hole
In our hearts again
We saw it coming, this black parade when will it end
Oh you and I both know, this black parade on fear depends
We can fight it but we can't pretend
خسته نشو، پرواز کن
[Khaste nasho, parvaz kon] (Don't get tired, fly)
ای خسته مونه هم قفس
[Ey khaste mooned too ghafas] (Hey, the tired one in the cage)
پرواز کن تا تو منم با تا هاَم آواز هاَم نفس
[Parvaz kon ta ke manam ba to ham avaz ham nafas] (Fly until I sing and breathe with you)
The turbans reign supreme over virtue
You cannot lift your veil or speak the truth
They promise nothing but keep that bar held high for you