Sweet Jane
Intro: C D C D C D C D C D
Oh come sweet Jane for I must go
Come closer to me
My trunk is stowed on Johnsons boat
With all his company
I heard a loud, like thunder, roar
Out of some canons mouth
I would be welcome safe at home
In my sweet sunny south
C D C D C D C D C D etc
I laboured hard for seven years
Working for my wealth
I lived on bread and salty meat
And I never lost my health
I heard a loud, like thunder, roar
Out of some ships on war
I spied sweet Jane in all her curls
Come stepping to the shore
I led her through the marble halls
And in through her fathers door
A gay young crowd was standing round
All standing on the floor
The parson read our marriage vows
We were wed as one soul for life
Now Jane you are mine without a doubt
A kind and loving wife