Trial lyrics
by The Ruins of Beverast
Read, fatuous lambs, the proclamation on the churchgate:
c*m nos totis nostris affectibus inhiantes ac ex omnibus nostris praecordiis affectantes
Populum christianum nobis commissum
In unitate et serenitate catholice fidei confoveri
Ac ab omni peste pravitatis haeretice visceraliter elongari
Idcirco nos
Ad gloriam et honorem recolendi nominis iesu christi
Et ad exaltationem sancte fidei ortodoxe
Atque ad depressionem haeretice pravitatis praecipue in maleficis
In virtue of holy obedience and under pain of excommunication
We direct, command, require and admonish that within the space of twelve days
The first four of which shall stand for the first warning
The second for the second
And the third for the third warning;
And we give this treble canonical warning
That they should reveal it unto us if anyone know, see or have heard
That any person is denounced to be a heretic or a witch
Or if any is suspected especially for such practices
As causing harm to men, cattle or the fruits of the earth
Or to the loss of the State
But if any do not obey these commands and admonitions
Let him know that he is impaled with the sword of excommunication