OTL 40: Milk Dee Excerpt #2 - Top Billin’ lyrics
by Outside the Lines With Rap Genius
Milk Dee: When we released "Top Billin'" in '86, everybody rejected it. All of the DJs said it was wack. We actually released "Top Billin'" and Lyte's song "I Cram To Understand U" at the same time. We were brand new.
It took us a year. We pushed both of those songs for a year before we got any response, and look at it now. They said it would never work -- I sounded like a girl, Lyte sounded like a boy.
SameOldShawn: Right. Which was such an odd thing to say about both of you.
MD: Yeah. [They said] there's no music, it's just a beat; the rhyme was corny. And, what is it, thirty years later!