Pluto lyrics
by Meave Devereux
i died in a death march
they tore my rancid body apart
oh they f*cked with my heart
they decided to rape it
its okay, God was in on it
dissecting each bloody string to replicate a dead feeling
my organs are not an instrument
my heart is not a violin
im a sceptic to hope and to heaven but a believer in hell
so cynical, its all so cyclical
there is only so much hate you can breathe
there is only so much love you can see
there is only so much hope you can swallow before your kidneys lose еnergy
i took a stake to the hеart all for the sake to save art
but they turned their heads as if i were an unimpressive sculpture falling apart
Jesus on a cross, they turned him to a scarecrow
now they repent in rows
Darling, this earth harbours too much sin, don’t you believe our time is deservingly wearing thin?
Pluto, crash into me
dwarf my love
diminish earth greatly
scatter me across space with a hatred so religious
with a truth so blasphemous
with an outer-body experience so jealous
Now i dont know how to move away from the dust,
shake the dust out of me,
We relapse into the things we miss the most,
and i hope I relapse into you
I felt a collapse,
beneath my ribcage when your heart fell flat
i could of cried but my body couldnt do that
i could of breathed but my body didnt register it like that
in the first set of hours of June
i lost my sister to a sickness nobody knew
she was the one autoimmune but none of us could move
there was a thickness in the air that only she couldn’t breathe
the silence drowned us twice
checked back to make sure we were all dead
and washed us one final time
with salt in my eyes, i never shut them so i could memorise you one last time
Now after fighting were at a loss for words
now after leaving were at a loss for love
your ghost still lingers on my shoulders like a blazer
so masculinising but i could never wear the guilt if i shrugged you off
i hate going home as i still manage to smell you near
as if your still laying on my bedroom carpet, becoming it
please dont blame me, but when you died I ran so far my dear
I cut off my own blood in fear
i ran off to a dying city,
sold my body hoping to dilute my guilt,
but all it divided was my dignity
and still then i never called anybody
im a soldier going to war within my own body
i never swallowed it peacefully
the thorns still scrape underneath
I cant recall the last time I crawled for comfort in my mothers bed after a nightmare
I blinked and grew unbeknownst to you
It would of been so sweet for you to see me as i truly was meant to be
but without you id never love the forgotten parts of me
there is an ocean i hid
that you would frequently dive in
i held corals and organisms
but it was so dark no body dared to peak in
had a fever
clamped down on believers
a witch far too eager
i never wanted to be this either
hate, my signature i wish to retire
June took your breath but it’ll never take the presence you’d leave
there are paw prints tattooed all over my body and soul indefinitely
with bitter teeth ill let you sleep
with a heart ill let you go at peace
with time ill love you with no ache beneath,