Redneck Vikings from Hell lyrics
by Æther Realm
Hell yeah!
[Verse 1]
Well you can smell gunpowder in the air tonight
So you better not leave the house
Cause like a freight train runnin'
You can hear them boys comin'
Like a hurricane from the south
And they say if you hear but a single note
From those wicked tunes they write
You'll be cursed to be a redneck
From now 'til you die
[Verse 2]
Summoned forth and filled
With sulfur, vinegar, and p*ss
When they said that the south would rise again
They didn't think it'd be quite like this
See that dust cloud drawing near?
Friend, your reckoning is here
So tear your shirt off swing it round
Grab that beer and slam it down
Brace yourselves, they're coming to your town
We've sailed the oceans and climbed every mountain
Faced every army and conquered them all
Infamous near and far
Y'all all know who we are
We're the mother f*ckin' redneck vikings
Well friend, you may be wondering whether
You've got what it takes to be a real redneck viking
I guess we'll have to find out, won't we?
See, some folks would say
That you had to be born down south
And still others would say the frozen north
But I reckon that ain't it
See, when it comes down to it, it ain't about
Where you were born or how you were raised
Being a redneck viking is about one thing;
Whether you know how to f*ckin' party
So let's show em how we do it
Down in North Carolina boys
[Instrumental Break]
[Solo - Burbage]
[Solo - Arnold]
We've sailed the oceans
And climbed every mountain
Faced every army and conquered them all
Infamous near and far y'all all know who we are
We're the mother f*ckin'
Redneck Vikings From Hell
The sun rose that morning on little more
Than a pile of ash and smouldering ruin
And the boys? Well, their task was done
It was time for them to head home
Far are the lands we roam
Still we e'er find our way back home
We spell Valhalla the redneck way
Feared and respected from North to the South
Best have eyes on your ass
If you're running your mouth
But throw in with us and you'll never regret
Cause life as a viking's as good as it gets
We fend through the sh*t and we still stand tall
When it's time to party you know who to call
Redneck Vikings From Hell