Chorus to a tick tock(I wrote it k) lyrics
by Hannah
So, um this is just like part of a song
I'm thinking it's chorus
I don't know what the chorus is
It's the middle of the song, I hope
Or else, I really sound really bad right now
Um, anyways, I'm gunna get to the song
It's only.. Let me count let me count
It's 5 sentences, so um I hope that you watch this whole thing
Cause it's only like 25 seconds, never mind it's 23
Okay I'm going to go. Okay bye
PS. There's no extra music to this, only me singing, but if yawl want to help with that, I'm- I'm good with that
Lying is a game
That I won't play
Time is money
Time is waste
Time to think, oh baby Tick Tock
You should leave me some comments
Yeah I don't know if you can leave comments on here, because I'm really new, and I don't have any experience with anything, so yeah. BYE-