When you've got good friends
You got a good life
Think about that
When you've got good friends
[KAREN, spoken]
Buzz, you're getting sentimental
You've got it all
[MARGO, spoken]
Hold on, you're getting to me
For when life is cruel
And they call you fool
You're not alone
If you've got good friends
On whom you can call
Good friends
Who couldn't care less
If you're a failure
Or a success
They're there whatever you do
They like you for you
Not your money or your gorgeousness
Friendship is a ring
A circular thing
It never ends
So kick off your shoes
You're with good friends
You're with good friends
Life is full of frets
Remorse and regrets
Doors that are locked
When you've got good friends
You've got the key
As you go through life
There's three things you need:
Money is one
Number two is sex
All the way
You know number three:
Good friends
Who really don't care
If you're a swinger
Or you're a square
I know that you two
You never could do
One mean thing to me
Oh, I wish I'd never drained that tank
Friendship is a ring
A circular thing
It never ends
And we've got it good
We've got good friends
[MARGO, spoken]
Without you life is empty!
[KAREN, spoken]
[BUZZ, spoken]
Hey, baby, you're a gas!
[MARGO, spoken]
[KAREN, spoken]
Gas tanks?
[MARGO, spoken]
It's just like New Year's Eve!
[KAREN, spoken]
Eve? Eve, gas, empty tanks! What have I done to my-
(Karen faints.)
Good friends!
Good god!