[Professor Stanislaus Fodorski]
Once upon a time
A girl with moonlight in her eyes
Put her hand in mine
And said she loved me so
But that was once upon a time
Very long ago
Once upon a hill
We sat beneath a willow tree
Counting all the stars and waiting for the dawn
But that was once upon a time
Now the tree is gone
How the breeze ruffled through her hair
How we always laughed as though tomorrow wasn't there
We were young and didn't have a care
Where did it go
Once upon a time
The world was sweeter than we knew
Everything was ours
How happy we were then
But somehow once upon a time
Never comes again
[Dean Elizabeth Hawkes-Bullock]
Once upon a time
It seemed the world was painted gold
And there was a man
And oh I loved him so
The world was beautiful to see
Very long ago
On a night like this
We saw the rising of the moon
All the silver stars
Like necklaces were strung
We spoke of such important things
We were very young
Open hearts
Nothing to conceal
Every little thought was so exciting to reveal
All our dreams we knew would soon be real
Where did they go?
Once upon a time
The world was sweeter than we knew
Everything was ours
How happy we were then
But somehow once upon a time
Never comes again