Rogue’s March lyrics
by Traditional Transcriptions
I left my home and I left my job
Went and joined the army
If I knew then what I know now
I wouldn't have been so barmy
Poor old soldier, poor old soldier
If I knew then what I know now
I wouldn't have been so barmy
Gave me a gun and a big red coat
Gave me lots of drilling
If I knew then what I know now
I wouldn't have took the shilling
Sent me off on a real old boat
By Christ she was no beauty
Far far across the sea we went
Afore to do my duty
Fought the Russians, or was it the French
Really couldn't tell, sir
All I know is they fought so hard
They sent us all to hell, sir
When we got back home again
To desert was my intent, sir
I sold my cot and I sold my coat
And over the wall I went, sir
Went to a tavern and I got drunk
That is where they found me
Back to barracks in chains I was sent
And there they did impound me
Chorus: ..
Fifty I got for selling me coat
Fifty for me blankets
If ever I 'list for a soldier again
The devil shall be me sergeant
Last Chorus - Repeat:
Poor old soldier, poor old soldier
If ever I 'list for a soldier again
The devil shall be me sergeant