Stay lyrics
by Katchafire
We gonna be alright
We gonna be alright
Ka puta ka ora
We gonna be alright
It might be a minute till I see your face
And you know I miss it but we’ll be okay
If we stay
Taku aroha i kai momotu
But I know we’ll do it I know we’ll get through
If we stay
I miss my sisters. I miss my brothers
But we’re in it together. Staying apart for each other
Stay with me
Aotearoa whakakotahi rā
Mō ngā mokopuna
Mō ngā whakareanga
Aotearoa – whītiki, maranga
Kia ora tāua tahi, kia ora - ora
With a little bit of passion
A bit of dedication
We gonna be alright
We gonna be alright
Stay with me
This isn’t forever
We’re in this together
Why don’t you, stay
Stay with me
He tāngamanawa
Kia mau ki a tāua, tāua
Bubbled up and it kind of sucks
We can’t cuddle up
FaceTiming just checking on
If you warm enough
But we gotta do this for
The greater good
Hopefully when it all over
Touch wood
Wanna be right there with you
We could breathe the same air that's true
Till then my love is on lock up
For you it's getting stronger
The distance makes the heart grow fonder
I miss my brothers. I miss my sisters
We’re in this together. Staying apart from each other
Ko tō manawa, ko tōku manawa
Ka puta ka ora, ka puta ka ora
Stay with me
This isn’t forever
We’re in this together
Why don’t you, stay
Noho tonu mai, noho tonu mai
Forever, together
You know we got to
Stay together, this ain’t forever no no
Everythings going to be alright
You and me just gotta hold tight
We gonna be alright
We gonna be alright
Ka puta ka ora
Ka puta ka ora