Explanation lyrics
Yo young diamond like yo why how you how
Can you talk so much like why why why
Don't you just be cool and just do what
You gotta do why you talk so much like why
You gotta explain yourself to people and
sh*t like why why don't you just get a
Girl get a job and do something with yourself
Men men you know I don't know man for real
Man i don't know men i need to get a
Job man man yeah man you just talked to much
Bro you always talking always talking
Man why don't you just do action like
Why you always talking you getting money
Getting girls like why you have to explain
Yourself to those people man i don't
Know man you know what you saying is true
Man all the all the time i explaining myself
To those people I could be f*cking
b*tches and making money man explaining
Myself to people don't make no sense man
But people always saying they don't understand
Me you know they don't understand me and
They wanna understand me you know man
Just get a job and don't give a f*ck with
Nobody and just do action men just do action
You know what what you saying is true man
See I try to do action they wanna
Understand me every time I don't know
Why i hell i don't do me all the time
I wasting just explaining myself to them
n*gga try to explain myself to myself
n*gga damn all this time is so precious all
The time i singing song n*gga i could be f*cking b*tches
Get a job get money that's what I'm up
To n*gga you keep coming back to the same
Place you trying and run away from damn
n*gga that's where you sleeping huh you
Keep doing that n*gga you keep creeping
Huh you keep running back to the same
Place n*gga you trying run from n*gga why
The hell you do that n*gga I'm not
Hating i'm just tired of hearing you talking
All you all you all you all you do is talking
Every time I just just hear you just yapping
n*gga action speak louder than words so do
Action n*gga if you wanna move move
You wanna get out get out n*gga why
The hell you keep talking about you're
Gonna do this you gonna do that n*gga no
One cares n*gga no one wanna hear your
Problems nobody care how much money you
Making nobody care if you have a job
Nobody care about your b*tch nobody care
About your sh*t nobody keep watching but
Every time you just keep talking and I
Keep listening like i'm tired of hearing you
Talking sh*t why the hell you do that
Young diamond get a job get a girl do
Something with your life why the hell
You wanna do that men I don't know man
I don't know why the hell i do that
See every time they wanna understand me
That's a fact and then i move quietly they
Tell me why i don't talk too much they tell me
I'm anti social cuz I'm don't talk a
Lot n*gga action n*gga like pack your
Bags and just go n*gga complaining about
It won't make a difference n*gga you
Don't like where you living pack your bags
And go n*gga and I'm gone n*gga huh see
I gotta get out here I gotta move out
To the top action speak louder than words
But they want me to talk they don't like
To see me make moves i just try to
Make transactions they want me to
Explain myself so I gotta explain myself
To them n*gga don't give a sh*t if they
Don't understand you no body cares if
You don't understand even if they say
You crazy they don't understand you n*gga
Who cares they don't understand you but
They keep saying that i'm up crazy so i
Gotta prove to them that i'm not damn what
The hell I got n*gga nobody need to know
Your business all you gotta do is to
Do what you gotta do and shut up huh that's
What I thought n*gga I try to move
Quietly n*gga i try to do business
Overall but they just want me to fall
n*gga and they saying that they cannot
Understand me
And they try they best so they could
Understand me and I gotta explain
Myself to make them know who I be and
Make them understand me n*gga all that
Time n*gga I could be f*cking b*tches all the time i could be
Making money all
The time i take to make you understand me
n*gga I could be f*cking b*tches making
Money damn why the hell I try to make
You understand me why the hell i try
To make you understand me n*gga my
Time is precious i'm only getting older and
n*gga f*ck everybody
*music continues)