Cash out lyrics
Yo nuff of them girl wah fi f*ck you because they think you got money you know but you know what you still have to
f*ck them you know don't feel sorry for them you know some b*tches
They want fame put a song on you tube
They wanna f*ck you cause
They believe in the future you gonna make money but yo still f*ck their pus*y for them at list
You know i just I should teach my self that
Somebody might listen to my song and they gonna
Tell me men you should tell yourself that but yo nuff of them b*tches bro ha ha ha
b*tches wanna f*ck me cause they think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money
I got cash b*tch cash b*tch
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think
I got money I got cash b*tch cash b*tch
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think I got
Money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i gonna get money
Get rich yeah get millions that's what i'm up
To b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she know my
Aim b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think
She gonna get a train ticket she
Gonna get a plane ticket b*tch wanna
f*ck me cause she think i gonna take care of
Her give her everything give her respect b*tch don't
Wanna act like a b*tch b*tch don't wanna act
Like a b*tch b*tches don't act like
b*tches b*tches wanna f*ck me because you know
She think i got money
Hey b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think I
Got money hahaha
b*tch wanna f*ck me cuz she think I
Gonna make her get rich get all the money
Get all the billions millions because
She hear i chasing millions she want me
She want real man she don't really like
Me she only waiting for the time that I
Get the money she say she wanna be with
Me that's why she wanna f*ck me
Sometimes I even get to f*ck this girl
pus*y damn like damn because she know
I chasing the money she know I chasing
Money so she after me her parents tell her
Talk to me this guy gonna get rich as
Long as he have a job its okay with me
That's what her parents tell her yeah you know
That's me because I have a job i swear the
b*tch always follow me b*tches follow me
They say hi to me because they
Think I got money n*gga if you ain't
Got a dollar b*tches don't follow you
When you got ten bucks they all over you
You got 20 bucks yeah 30 bucks all of them
Want moment you have a job yeah they
All after you hey hey hi how you doing you
Have a job what you doing right now
b*tch when I was broke you never wanted me
Now the b*tch see I working the b*tch
All over me tell me what that is 10
b*tches men I could choose b*tches I
Got so many b*tches to choose I don't
Know which one to choose n*gga you
Better f*ck their pus*y quickly n*gga
Your time is running out don't even feel
Sorry for them man kick them out after
You done your business they think you're
Gonna make them a wealthy b*tch
You're gonna transform them to a wealthy
b*tch a business b*tch b*tch what's up
With that sh*t like damn she don't love
You by the heart she love you for your
Money yeah you know that's a fact the
Moment you get a job yeah they all over
That you ain't got money no b*tch want you men
f*ck man men I gotta pay my bill I swear
This b*tch even cancel me that's
What's up i gotta pay that text thing and yeah you know that's me
She cancel me cuz you
Know that's how these b*tch do like b*tch
Always chasing money b*tch chasing
Money all those b*tches they just money
Hungry b*tches chase money cuz b*tches
After money and when you have money
b*tches gonna follow you too cuz if
You're money hungry and they know your aim
b*tches gonna come cuz they know insane
There's b*tches with money there is b*tches
With cash in those b*tches with Broke and
I don't know why they do that oh men all
Type of b*tches you gotta know which one
Is which that's me they got some b*tches
That just spoiled b*tches they got all the
Money but they just wanna f*ck for free
Some of them
Don't really care some of them got money
Some of them got cars yeah some of them got Lamborghini
Some of them just after your
Money some chase your money some just love
You by the aim some just really hungry
You gotta watch out n*gga still f*ck their
pus*y At list you gonna benefit n*gga
That's what I should do I don't know
Men these b*tches always follow me but to
Tell the truth n*gga b*tch after my
Money (soft speaking) b*tch after my money yeah b*tch wanna f*ck me
Because she think I got money
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money
I got cash b*tch cash b*tch
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money
I got cash b*tch cash b*tch
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i gonna get money get rich yeah get millions that's what i'm up to
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she know my aim b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think
She gonna get a train ticket she
Gonna get a plane ticket b*tch wanna
f*ck me cause she think i gonna take care of
Her give her everything give her respect b*tch don't
Wanna act like a b*tch b*tch don't wanna act
Like a b*tch b*tches don't act like
b*tches b*tches wanna f*ck me because you know
She think i got money
Hey b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think I
Got money hahaha
Yeah uh some of these b*tches act like they not b*tches some of them just want to
Impress me some of them look for a clothes
Where they're gonna get a clothes whether
They borrow it or whatever some of them
Don't have money to buy a dress that's
Why they're steal from their best friend
Some of them come to impress even if
They get makeup I tell you she just
Not your friend b*tches do anything to
Get your attention they do anything for
Them to get a rich man they'd do
Anything to get a money with his
Money long yeah you know that's we I
Just do it cause I know where I'm from
b*tch after that doh b*tch after the
Money b*tch after the car b*tches act
Like they not b*tches n*ggas move like
Snitches I don't know why they do that
b*tches always wanna act like they not
b*tches ha she gonna get that money huh
And you know she money chaser she gonna
Do anything for that paper paper chaser
I talked to the b*tch I tell her what's
Up she tell me the job with the most
Money that's what's up look for the job
With the most money damn that b*tch
So damn crazy like b*tch so hungry
b*tch money hungry all those b*tches yeah you
Know they money Hungry they Chase money
All about they business they angry see her
Walking with a bag of money like it's
Nothing tell me what to do that the moment
You got cash you gotta follow you and
She gonna suck you dry she gonna make
Sure you give you the best sex ever
Cause she know you got the cash on lock
That's whatever yeah that b*tch all up
That and you wonder why and you say
You're getting money you getting girls
That's why the only reason why get
Girls cuz you got money the only reason
Why those b*tches want you you got money
b*tch after your money they not after
You the moment you got cake yeah you
Know they're gonna suck you some of them will
Lick you someone them will fight you some of them will
Suck you dry like you never know what's
Up I don't know b*tch after your money
That's what's up all those b*tches after
The cash that's what's up but still f*ck
Them n*gga don't even bother money comes
And goes n*gga you gotta do it further
Money ain't sh*t n*gga that's what you
Gotta do money is just a piece of paper
Stay true money ain't sh*t n*gga f*ck that
sh*t money you don't have to save that
Money when you die n*gga money ain't
Gonna go with you you gotta blow money
f*ck money do whatever you want buy
Planes buy helicopters do whatever you
Want with your cash cuz when you put it in
The safe a next person gonna take it
Over you when you dead n*gga
Just maybe your children might even
Spend it on a Lamborghini n*gga haha
Yeah if you save it for your children they
Gonna spend it on big houses and
Lamborghini n*gga b*tch wanna f*ck me cause they think
I got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she
Think I got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause
She think I got money I got cash b*tch cash
b*tch b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think
I got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cuz she
Think I got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cuz
She think I got money I got cash b*tch
Cash b*tch b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think
I got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think
I gonna get money get rich yeah get
Millions that's what I'm up to b*tch wanna
f*ck me cuz she know my aim b*tch
Wanna f*ck me cause she think she gonna get a
Train ticket she gonna get a plane
Ticket b*tch wanna f*ck cause she think i
I gonna take care of her give her everything give her respect b*tch don't
Wanna act like a b*tch
b*tch don't wanna act like a
b*tch b*tches don't act like b*tches
b*tches wanna f*ck me cuz you know she
Think I got money hey b*tch wanna f*ck
Me cuz she think I got money haha
That's the only reason why she wanna
f*ck because she after my money she
Ain't in love with me but I know she
Gonna suck me for that money she gonna
Do anything for that money girls do
Anything people kill for money money
Money money is posses money righteous
Chasing that money people do anything for
Money b*tch just after my money she
Money-hungry the moment I got a job she
All after me and saying that she
Love me the moment that i Broke she wanna
Kick me out like I'm not nobody tell me
That I'm not nobody because I ain't got a job
You know I worth less to society tell me
How those b*tches thinking all the time
I got money they all over me like I'm
Somebody special when the money gone
They all get after me yeah yeah b*tch after
My money tell me how those b*tches
Thinking the moment you get a job you
Got money all of them just start
Calling they calling your phone cuz they know
Its pay day they after your cash cuz its
Pay day they after your money n*gga
That's how they do it any day they know
How to f*ck you try to sweet you down
Try to tell you everything like you a
f*cking clown yeah them b*tches always
After your money you might chase a
Million but a thousand is a lot to her
Yeah maybe 500 bucks is a lot of money
To the b*tch cause the b*tch is money
Hungry ha some b*tches got millions some
b*tches got billions some b*tches wish
They had a hundred bucks that's why they
Come like trillions so if you get a job
In a factory b*tch
Tell you that n*gga b*tch if
You got a hundred bucks b*tch even gonna suck you dry for that n*gga
She after that cash she money hungry b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think
I got money b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i got money
I got cash cash b*tch b*tch wanna f*ck me
Cause she think I got money b*tch
Wanna f*ck me cuz she think I got money
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think I got
Money I got cash b*tch cash b*tch b*tch
Wanna f*ck me cause she think I got money
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she think i gonna
Get money get rich yeah get millions that's what i'm up
To b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she
Know my aim b*tch wanna f*ck me cause
She think she gonna get a train
Ticket she gonna get a plane ticket
b*tch wanna f*ck me cause she this i
Gonna take care of her give her everything give her
Respect b*tch don't wanna act like
Y'all those b*tches only after your
Money bro you say you get money you get girls
But those b*tches they money chasers you
Know they chase the doh for whatever they do
Whatever to get that money you know haha
f*ck those b*tches n*gga yo swag i'm out
n*gga b*tch b*tch b*tch b*tch