Percipient lyrics
What people don't know is I smarter than
They think I am you see I smarter than they
Think i am bro I won't show people how
Smart I am I won't show people how whatever
I am I smarter every time they come
With their strategy i already come out with
Two strategies for them you see when they
Think they out smart me i already out smart
Them you see I don't time to chit chat
Chat-chat-chat chat-chat you see
When they think they out smart me
I out smart them before they out smart me
I not the smartest person on earth
Don't get me wrong I not the smartest person on earth you
See there is people way smarter than me
You see but I just do what I gotta do you see
That just how it is i ain't the smartest person i ain't the
Richest person i ain't the poorest person
But I just do what I gotta do I don't
Give a sh*t with nobody but me and that's real
Talk you see so n*gga if you listen to
That sh*t and you try to talk up and try
To act up n*gga I talk it n*gga I speak it it
Come from my mouth I speak the words
n*gga come from my f*cking mouth not
Yours not his not she not the when you listen to
This track and you listen to this
sh*t it come out my f*cking mouth I know one
Day you're gonna listen to it whether
Two years ten years later I know one day
You this song must pop out on your
Playlist one day it must come out and I
Know you're gonna listen to it by the time
You listen to it i ready gone n*gga
Trust me on that sh*t trust me by the time you
Listen to this song n*gga i'm gone so don't
Take it serious and even if you see me
Stuck on the same point that's how life is you see
So n*gga I know one day it
Gonna pop up on your some maybe your
Friend might tell you you never hear this
Guy song oh this guy have a you never hear that
Your friend might talk about me one
Day your friend might say