I just wanna Go back home lyrics
I just wanna go back home
I just wanna go back home
I'm tired of this f*cking place
I just wanna go back home
I reminiscing about my life in saint lucia
Living life as a mother f*cking superstar
Singing song man I'm doing shows
Until I came to Canada
Found my mamma in the f*cking church
I'm like mommy what you doing there
It's been so much years you should have a house
Mommy say nothing ain't easy
Five years I told my mamma she should have a house
I don't know man I saw my mamma struggling
Came to Canada mommy ain't got no money
Man I keep on doing my f*cking thing
I got a job the first day I'm in
By the week
Making money
Now the police wanna tell me i'm selling drugs
They call me a f*cking drug dealer
Month go to month
Yeah I'm working
Making money yeah I keep on stacking
Man I do this
I'm just a visitor
I don't know why they hating on me
I just wanna go back home
I just wanna go back home
I just wanna go back home
I don't know why I'm still there
I just wanna go back home
I just wanna go back home
I just wanna go back home
Tell me why the f*ck I'm still here
Six month man I go to the lawyer
I'm just trying and get my mother f*cking paper
sh*t get crazy sky scrapper
I'm trying and stack up yes see you later
My money getting higher
They hating on me
Now they wanna snitch saying that I ain't got sh*t
Now the boss man wanna fire me
Man I don't know what to do lately
I'm trying and get a credit card
Nobody wanna credit me
All they wanna do is make fun of me
Now they wanna tell me all type of f*ckry
sh*t get crazy I just wanna go back home
I just wanna go back home
I just wanna go back home
Yeah I just wanna go back home
I try to go college
They tell me I failed the test
They tell me I'm not good enough to go f*cking college
I'm like f*ck that sh*t
sh*t get crazy
I tried again in f*cking January
I applied for college
Then they accepted me
I try to get a loan so I could pay my college
I don't even know why they acting like that
I try to go and go and go
Now the teacher tell me I need a f*cking doc*ment
Ain't doc*ment week week pass by week
Man I skipped class I don't know what to do
I couldn't even get that loan
I just wanna go home home
I just wanna go home home
I just wanna go home home
Man I'm tired of this f*cking place
I just wanna go home home home
I just wanna go home home home
I just wanna go home home home
Man I'm tired of this mother f*cking place
Man I tried to go back in September is
They tell me it's to late for me to go college
A year pass by I'm trying and make money
I'm trying and climb up to the top slowly
They banned me from all type of f*cking websites
Now they wanna come and take it out offsight
Now they acting like they wanna apologize to me
sh*t get f*cking crazy
Next year they kick me out of my mamma house
They tell me I'm a f*cking grown ass man
Now they have me on the street like a homeless man
Now they wanna tell me go to a shelter
Every text message I send to my mother
Now the f*cking police wanna harassed me
Now security wanna trespass me
Talking bout this sh*t is private property