Some boy lyrics
Some boy always want to correct me
Some boy always wanna teach me some f*ckery
Some boy always want to come and holler at me
Some boy always want to come and tell me who i be
Some boy always want to correct me
Some boy always wanna teach me
Some boy always wanna correct me
Some boy wanna tell me who i be
Some boy always want to tell me how to flex
How to talk
How to do this
What to do next
How to f*ck
Some boy always want to tell me this and that
Some boy always want to teach me uh uh
Some boy always want to come and tell me story
Some boy always want to tell me go on website
Some boy always wanna tell me holler at this girl
Some boy always wanna tell me how to talk to this girl
Some boy always wanna come and try to teach me
Some boy always want to come and tell me f*ckery
Some boy always wanna call my phone holler at me
Hey homie
Why you holler at me
Some boy always want to come and tell me something
Some boy always wanna come and test me
Some boy always wanna fight me
Some boy always wanna rob me yo
Some boy always wanna disrespect me
Some boy always wanna look at me sideways
Some boy always coming with their screw face
Some boy always coming like oh sh*t
Some boy always chatty chatty chatty
Some boy always talking f*ckery
Some boy always wanna correct me
Some boy always wanna ask me who i be
Some boy wanna ask me where i get my shoe
Some boy wanna tell me what type of shoe is that
Some boy wanna ask me which girl you dating
Some boy wanna ask me who's your girlfriend
Some boy always want to come and ask me question
Some boy always wanna ask me who's my girlfriend
Some boy always wanna ask who i f*cking
Them boy never give me a chance
To make my girl loving
Some boy always wanna come and tell me some stupid
Some boy always wanna tell me some thing stupid
Some boy always wanna come and get me on my nerve
Drive me crazy
Make me wanna do suicide
Some boy always wanna come and tell me some stupid e
Some boy always wanna come and tell me f*ckery
Them boy never give me a chance
To study me
Every time some boy always wanna harassed me
Some boy always wanna call up my phone everyday
Some boy
Yo yo
This is a some boy song
Yeah yeah