I’m just Listening to my past songs lyrics
I'm just sitting down listening to My song
Listen to a song that I did when I was young
Listening listening listen
To my song I'm just listening to my song hey
I'm just sitting down listening to my song
Listen to a song when i did when i was young
Listening to that song listening to my song hey
Listening to my song I'm just listening
To how i use to be a bad man listen to
My mentality when I was young how could
I freestyle a song like that could a
Never think I did that song hey Is that
Really really me huh is that really
Really me huh did I really say that huh
Did i really say that can't believe is me
That say that type of thing everybody
Want to talk music musically
Never thought that use to be me
I never thought that's me
Aye listening to my past song when I
Used to be aye how come i freestyle a song like that
I'm just listening to my past songs don't you know that aye listening to a song in the past tense that's me
I'm listening to me when
I was young uh huh i'm listening to the younger version of me
And how I used to get popularity and
What's my mentality and how I used to
Think i'm listening to my song yeah
You know that's me
Hey listening to my past
Songs listening to my past songs I'm just
Listening to my past
Everybody listen
To my past songs hey I'm just listening
To my past songs is that really me
Singing that song I'm just listen to my
Past songs
Everybody look at me look at my
Past song
Hey look at a song when i sing when i was sixteen
Look at a song i sing when i
Was 17 look at me is that really my mentality somebody
Please help me that's how i used to thinking
Hey everybody wants to know about me
That's me listen to my past song listen to the
Younger me I'm just listening to the version
Of me how I used to be watch me watch me
Watch me watch me watch my video when I
Was younger is that really
Me I can't even believe that watch my video when I
Was 16 Is that really me cya really believe
Watch my video when I was 17 watch
My video when I was 18
Watch my video when I
Was nineteen did I did that music video
I can't believe nothing hey I can't
Believe I did that type of video I can't
Believe I used to rhyme so i cya believe i
Used to have so much lyrics somebody
Please let me know I cya believe i use to
Think like that i cya believe that's my
Mentality that's how I used to think when I
Was younger somebody please tell me
Hey I'm just listening to my past songs
Listening to my past songs I'm just listen
To my past songs listen aye listen to my
Song aye I'm just reminiscing about my song
Reminiscing about my song hey I'm just
Listening to my past song somebody
Tell me if me that sing song
Aye tell me if its me that singing that
Could you really believe
I could sing like that could you really
Believe i could hear that track could you believe i could have lyrics like that could you really believe that
Was me could you really believe that used to be me could you really believe that use to be
Me in the video standing like i'm so
Crazy could you really believe that use to
Be me
Could you really believe i could take that picture
Could you believe that could a be me when
I was younger like a superstar aye
Could you really believe that pretty boy
Use to be me in the video uh huh
You really believe i could a rhyme so
When I was younger hey i'm just listening to my past
Songs listening to my past songs
Could you
Really believe that used to be me when I
Was younger when you look at a picture of
Could you really believe that used to
Be me when you see a video of
Could you really believe that used to
Be me
Tell me how I used to be hey I'm
Just reminiscing thinking about my past
Songs and saying look at how i used
To be me
Look at how I used to be so pretty
And now I'm looking like I'm f*cking
Ugly (chuckle)