All right lyrics
I should of sang this song when I was 16
Right i should have sang this song when
I was 17 right I should've sang this
Song when i was 18 right I don't know
Man i was busy chasing the money right I
Should have sang this song when I was
15 right should of sang it when I
Was 14 right should of sang it when I was
Twenty right I don't know man i was busy
Chasing the money all right yeah i know
I should of sang this song a long time
Ago for real everybody keep on talking yeah
They wanna know my deal uh-huh they
Wanna know if i am a misconception
They wanna know about my perception they wanna
Know if i'm speaking the truth or a
Lie I tell them I'm the truth but they
Still think I'm lie they wanna put me
To the past tense all right they wanna
Put me to the past tense all right I'm
For my future they wanna stop me all
Right I'm getting older they wanna put
Me on pause I'm like Hey you ain't stopping
Me even if I do one year in prison
Lately even if I get caught for a gun
Illegally I would still be rapping still
Singing song yeah that's me I was still
Get another year older even if no
Matter what condition i'm under even if they try to
Tell me i have a temporary number
Everybody want to talk like whatever
Whatever aye no stopping me okay everybody
Just wanna see it go my way they wanna put
Me on pause I'm like no way I should
Have sang this song when I was 16 oh man
I should of sang this song
When I was 16 I should've really sang
This song when I was 17 I should have
Sung this song when i was ten years old
I should of sang this song when I
Was five years old i should of sang this song
When I was five alright should of sang it
When I was six all right
Should of sang it when I was two year all
Right tell me if I chase my money all
Right should of sang this song when i was
11 years all right should of sang this song when I was 13 years all right should of sang
This song when I was 14 years
Alright I've been busy chasing my
Money all right haters wanna hate on me
Hate all right I should be successful
By now all right they wanna put me on
Pause I'm like no way I just try
Get my money alright even if they got me with a gun illegally
And i have to do
Five years in prison lately I'm a still
Keep singing song yeah that's me i'm a
Keep moving forward no matter how they try stop me
Even if they tell me that
I'm not ready i'm still getting a year
Older that's me 2016 already catch up
To me i should of sang this song long
Time ago should of sang this song when i was 13
All right they try to stop me I'm
Like f*ck no they wanna put me on
Pause I'm like hell no should of sang this song
When I was fifteen all right should of
Sang this song when I was 15 alright
Try to chase my money i chase it all
Right hatters wanna hate on me I'm like
All right should have sung this song
When I was 11 alright they try to
Tell me stop I'm like Hell no they
Wanna see me pause i'm like hell no
Even if I do five years in prison I will
Still move forward that's me should of
Sang this song when I was one year alright
Hatters wanna hate on me I try to
Get my money right even if I get caught
For a gun illegally I will still be moving forward
Man f*ck everybody (chuckle)