Come with something new lyrics
(dialogue one)
Yo young diamond
When you gonna give the people something new
When you gonna drop a new song
When you gonna have a new car
When you gonna have a new girl
Like you keep explaining your self
To people
All over and all over again
You keep doing the same thing
All over and all over again
When you gonna give something new
When you gonna come with a new track
I hear that already
You don't need to tell me that again
I hear that fifty million times
When you
Why you got to say that again
Its seems you just starting to understand your self
Its seems
I understand you
Long time before you understand yourself
Man I knew
I knew all that about you
Before you knew your self
(young diamond)
For real
(dialogue one)
Yeah man
I knew everything about you
Before you knew your self
I knew
What you like
What you dislike
What you hate
What you love
I knew everything about you
I investigate everything about you
(young diamond)
Its like
Yeah man
Its like
I just
It's just
It's like i just starting to understand me
You know
It's like
Its like for the longest while
I didn't understand me
You know
For the longest while
I didn't understand how i'm thinking
But its like
I'm just starting to understand me
(dialogue one)
Man i knew all that already man
I knew that long time ago
I knew that years ago
You just catching up
You just
You just catching up
I saw all that about you
I saw everything about you
But you wasn't seeing it
(young diamond )
For real yo
(dialogue one)
Yeah man
When you gonna give us something new
We waiting
We keep waiting
Waiting waiting waiting
For something new
And you just keep explaining yourself
All over
And all over again
The same old bullsh*t
Man i knew that long time ago
Don't need to repeat that again
I knew that ten years ago
Don't need to repeat that for me again
(young diamond)
Ight yo
I think i'm just starting to understand myself
I guess i never understand me
I guess i never understand
The way i'm thinking
(dialogue one)
Yeah man well
Its good that you catching up
Catch up faster man
You gotta be faster than that
You moving too slow
I knew all that about you already
(young diamond)
Ight ight