Me nah go jail lyrics
Officer me say
Me nah go jail like busy
Some boy on the block
Say that he gonna shoot me
I say gangster nah go jail
Me don't wanna see no prison
Nuff of them
Want to say they kill me
Like its a poison
Why they wanna see me
In a penitentiary
Me got bars
Like elementary
Everybody keep on talking
Young diamond is a G
Yeah you know that's me
Officer why you want to arrest me
Hands behind my back
Not me
Why you want to point your gun at me
Me nah go jail again
Like busy
Like a busy signal
This is my signal
Left right
Is a signal
Nuff of them talk like a real
Like a real real real
Could you please set me free
Gangster nah go prison for nobody
This guy say he gonna shoot me
I got to protect my self
So please don't protect me
Everybody want to talk
Yeah i ball everyday
Me nah go jail again like busy signal
Yeah you know that's me
Me nah go jail again
Like popcaan
Gonna say tomorrow
Me gonna hear popcaan
Sing a song
That he nah go jail
Like a sorrow
One day you gonna hear popcaan
Sing a song about me nah go jail again
Me nah go jail
Like busy signal
Like a sail
Why you want to put me in the
Why you want to lock me up
Officer me nah sh*t in no sh*t pail
Me nah go jail
Gangster nah go jail
Undercover cop
Everybody want to talk
Me say me nah go jail like busy
What the f*ck
b*tch why you want to lock me up
Officer please
You see where they put me
You see
Where they put me in prison
You see officer
You see where they lock me up
Please let me out
Please let me out
Please let me out of prison
You see
I i
I won't do it again
I will not do it again
Let me out
I will not do it again
Gangster nah go jail
Them are talk like a sail
Everybody want to talk
See me going like its a trail
Me bad like the military
Like me on military trail
Officer i will not do it again
Why you lock me up
Why the f*ck am i here
Why the f*ck
You have me behind those bars
What the f*ck am doing there
I should be out
Gangster nah go jail
Me nah go jail again like busy
Don't bother lock up me up
You not shooting nobody
You say you bad
Me don't know where you bad from
You have a fake uzi
Boy you not no gangster trust me
Me nah go prison
For no batty
Me nah go prison for no fassy
Me nah get lock up
For no batty
If i shoot you
No cops come and arrest me
f*ck the cops
Trying and arrest me
Gangster nah go jail
Me nah go prison for no pus*y
You say you gonna shoot somebody
Boy everybody know you a batty