Climbing to the top lyrics
I keep coming back n*gga I'm trying to move
Forward I'm trying an make the best of
My life but it's like life not good
n*ggas try to understand me n*ggas try to
Rule me man i need to do action cuz
All i see is me they say they don't understand
Me they really wanna understand me some
Even tired of hearing me but you know I
Still gonna be me i try to climb to
The top n*gga every day its on i try to
Be the biggest man just try to
Understand but n*ggas keep talking all
That sh*t everyday I flow on the beat
n*ggas always talking that sh*t n*gga I
Just got a benefit like n*gga I'm
Tired of hearing you sing n*gga pack your
Bags and just go n*gga try to do it so good go out in the snow n*gga
Damn n*gga outside
So cold n*gga now I'm feeling and I'm feeling
So cold n*gga young boy in this cold
World no where to go n*gga no food to
Eat what should i do n*gga have shoes
On my feet n*gga try to do it so good
When I benefit If i save my money put it
In the bank this sh*t won't t happened to me
But every time I get money I keep
Spending it n*gga why the hell I don't
Move quietly all i do is thinking of
Investment but I'm making the wrong
Investment that's me damn spending my
Last five dollars just to get three
Dollars huh it's like I'm thinking i'm
Business man but the truth is n*gga
I'm not a businessman I got no
Backup plan huh
What should I do huh I spent all my
Money expecting to make more but I keep
Making less n*gga profit not for me n*gga i
Expect profit but I still do that
sh*t n*gga i think I'm a businessman
But I got the wrong mentality i ain't got
No business all I do is me I taught
Myself n*gga all i do is me putting myself
In all sh*t n*gga owing money try to do
It so good life is really funny have no
Way to go and n*gga i call myself a
Businessman but the truth is somebody help
Me nowhere else to go i try to move up
But I'm moving too slow n*gga don't know
What's up n*gga got the marketing
Schemes but it's not useful it's like
It's useless cuz I feel like a fool all
The time i'm explaining myself to people I
Could be a better man but I don't know
Oh it's like I'm trying an come back
n*gga I trying an go forward n*gga coming
Back to the same place that's what's up
n*gga coming back to the same place I
Get the same results I get the same
Results it gonna be the same bullsh*t
All over again like I'm working in a
Factory that's pain I work in a factory I
Say when I'm 21 n*gga I don't wanna be
Working there no more damn and
There's people that 40 years and there's
People that 30 years and there is people
That 50 years hearing me saying that and
They wanna hate on me that's a fact so
They try to keep me so when I'm 21 I'm a
Still be working there and it happened
Like that and not because it was meant to
But because i let it happen without I
Even knowing that why the hell i let them trap me so I had already had my plan though I had
Already have my business plan so I let the
Trap me in the same business game
Without i even checking myself all I do
Is keep wreaking myself I know I know
What i'm about but I still let them put
Me in a trap like where is my wealth
n*gga it happen automatically cause
When they see I'm building up they hate on
Me and they let me destroy myself and now i'm
Back to the same place that's where i
Begun n*gga Oh