An Adventure in Space lyrics
by Greg & Steve
An adventure in space!
Get ready to blast off for a trip into space
It's time to get into our spacesuits
Step in with one leg
And now the other leg
Put in one arm
And now the other arm
Good job!
Now that we're all suited up
Let's step into the launchpad elevator
And ride up to the spaceship
The doors are open
Now, step inside our spacecraft
We make ready to blast off
Fasten your safety belts
And hold on tight
"All systems go
Minus ten and counting
We're in outer space
And now, we prepare to leave our spacecraft
And take a walk in space
Put on your air tanks
Tighten your helmet
Make sure the lines are attached safely around your waist so you won't drift away
Okay, let's open the door
Get ready to jump into space
Now that we're outside the spacecraft
We float freely about, slowly
It feels just like we're swimming
Ever so lazily
Look out!
A shower of meteors!
Move about!
Don't let them hit you!
Keep dodging those meteors!
Don't stop moving!
Phew! It's over!
Everyone stop moving
We're safe
Now, let's pull our safety line, so we can return to our space shuttle
Pull with one hand, and now the other hand
One hand, and the other hand
Keep pulling
Now, let's climb inside our spacecraft
We're inside and safe at last
Now, take off your air tanks, and your helmet, and fasten your safety belts
"Uh, this is Houston Control, this is Houston Control
Prepare for re-entry
Prepare for re-entry"
Now, let's prepare our space shuttle for re-entry
Get ready to start engines
When I count to three, push your starter button on the computer console
Good job!
And now, home we go
Home to Earth
Get ready for re-entry
Everybody hold tight as we break the sound barrier
Well done!
You're a great crew
Now hold on to that steering wheel as we begin our glide into the airport
Look out the window!
Here come some jets to escort us in!
Look, there's the airport
Hold on to that steering wheel, and let's bring the space shuttle down
Nice and easy
We're almost home
Great landing!
You're sure good pilots
And now we taxi to a stop
Now, let's open the door to the spaceship
Wow! What a surprise!
Listen to that crowd, and look at those TV cameras
What a hero's welcome
Wave to the crowd
[Instrumental Outro]