5 on a Joyride lyrics
by Cody ChesnuTT
Sitting here thinking about yesterday
How we shared a laugh and played
How we celebrated all my good news
Just me and you
Mmmm ohhhhhh
Black boy sits behind the cage
Amongst so many friends in a daze
His true purpose is to show the world
Its truth to his big ideas and
Sign don't say another word, he says in smile
"Come along for the ride"
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, so many friends
"Come along for the ride"
Laughter you can bring
Say the first thing on your mind and feel so satisfied
"Come along for the ride"
On a joyride
Friday's given birth to Saturday
And Sunday's left behind, we've sinned
We've been born again
On our way to there
If we ever make it there
So many pretty lights in my eyes
"Come along for the ride"
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, so many friends
"Come along for the ride"
Do the weekend
Just before the singer and the big boy becomes history
"Come along for the ride"
"Come along for the ride"
"Come along on a joyride"