Michigan Melody lyrics
by University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club
[Part I: 'Tis of Michigan We Sing]
[Verse 1]
'Tis of Michigan we sing,
With a merry, merry ring,
As we gaily march along.
We will sing a jolly song
Of Ann Arbor and her chimes
And the merry, merry times.
Yes, a joyous song we'll raise
To Ann Arbor and her praise
Yes, a joyous song we'll raise
To Ann Arbor and her praise
[Part II: A Toast to Michigan]
[Verse 2]
Fill your tankards deep with wine,
Drink a health to Michigan!
In this sparkling flood divine,
Drink a health to Michigan!
To the cornflow'r and the maize,
Autumn skies and opal haze,
Of the Indian Summer days.
Fill your tankards, fill your tankards,
Fill your tankards deep;
Drink a health to Michigan!
[Part III: I Want to Go Back to Michigan]
[Verse 3]
I want to go back to Michigan,
To dear Ann Arbor town,
Back to Joe's and the Orient
And back to some of the money I spent.
I want to go back to Michigan,
To dear Ann Arbor town,
I want to go back, I want to go back
To Michigan.
Oh! Fathеr and mother pay all the bills
And we havе all the fun
In the friendly rivalry of college life,
And we have to figure a hell of a lot
To tell what we have done
With the coin we blew
At dear old Michigan.