Wish everyone had folks just like I got
Tears me up to see some kids not do so hot
Yeah, all about Mom and Dad
Times were hard and money tight we never knew
Mom and Dad worked away like workin' fools
Yeah let's hear it Mom and Dad - alright here we go
Got really lucky my folks treated me right
Taught me what love is and not to fight
Good work, Mom and Dad
Mom said you can't wait around for deadman's shoes
Wanna make a way? Lord it's up to you
You tell 'em , Mom and Dad
Show me how to play and sing, pick and tune
Show me all the records of the natural blues
Yeah good taste, Mom and Dad
Know sometimes they'd get mad lord and yell and cuss
I know they always wanted to do the best for us
Yeah good work man, Mom and Dad
They loved me and my brothers and taught me how to be a man
Everything you do lord, do the best you can
Yeah let's hear it again, for Mom and Dad
Wish everybody had folks just like I got
Tears me up sometimes to see folks do so hot
Oh lord, for their Mom and Dad