Say Hello to Allah - “Come to Daddy” RE-MIXED by Black Lung lyrics
by Aphex Twin
….We’ll bomb them til they’re not there anymore….
Carpet bombing….
Munitions factories are working overtime….
Welcome to Saudi Arabia we’re having fun….
The United Nations gave the allies the go-ahead to wage war, it is now powerless to stop it….
We have the entire United Nations behind us….
The ‘Skewers’ were fired….
Officials fear that public support for the war may now have pеaked….
A prayer for peacе…..
We don’t wanna go through what we did in South east Asia…
come on you beast….
Take him…take him….
There won’t be any restrictions….
God bless….
'Multi-Launch Rocket System’….can dispatch it’s entire deadly payload in seconds….
(It would be really an error to try and start counting bodies….)
Delivering hundreds of bombs and destroying everything within a 500 yard radius….
(We are not to recourse to half-measures….)
the Harriers pounce, loaded with 1000 pound Cluster bombs….
(I think we need to get away from trying to count bodies….)
Iranian radio reported shock waves from across the Iraqi border caused by allied bombing….
The Jaguar releases ‘CRV7’ rockets. There was no fear of retaliation….
There’s a lot of stuff going in there and it looks pretty messy on the ground…..
You can see the missile piercing the roof and exploding against the back wall….
In Basra, there is at least 40 / 50 attacks in civil area with heavy bombs also… the round the clock bombing is continuing….with small bombs they drop in thousands…in thousands….
As soon as the planes land, more 1000 pound bombs are loaded by the ground crew….
….I would not want to be an Iraqi troop up there….
I think my biggest danger up there today was running into another American aircraft….
the Americans seem to be planning warfare on a huge scale….
More than 5500 prisoners….
Schwarzkopf stressed that this is very early days. Anyone would be worried with things going this smoothly….
(There’s too much optimism…)
A convoy of lorries carrying flour attacked by what looked like cluster bombs….
Living down Vietnam with a vengeance…
…the ‘AWAK’s went first as the airborne control centre….then came the strike force behind ‘mother’ as the airborne tankers are known….
1300 sorties yesterday…
Air crews admit that only in daylight can they be sure about what they’ve bombed…
They’re not trying to fight us right now, er-they’re trying to hide from us…
The military will be allowed to win….
Loading up with cluster bombs that explode above the ground killing Iraqi troops in trench systems….
(….the ‘Apache’ pilots are being allowed to launch their Hellfire missiles
….Each costs 20,000 pounds…. air attacks apparently aimed at tankers on the highway….from far above these vehicles may look like transports carrying Scud missiles….
....Their weapon is called ‘Maverick’ and this manufacturers video shows how the pilots can choose individual targets….)
(That may be just more propaganda….)
….there’s going to be massive air attacks on them over the weeks ahead….
It is going to be unrelenting….
Bush said that nobody but Saddam Hussein would want to go on submitting his army and his people to the pounding they were taking….
3000 people have been killed only in Northern part of Iraq….textile factories….cement factories have been targeted….
…27 B-52s dropped 455 tonnes of explosives Yesterday 21 B-52s dropped 315 tonnes of bombs and today 28 B-52s dropped 470 tonnes….that's not to mention the other strikes that we're doing, with F16s, F15-s, A6s etc....
President Bush is talking about the New World Order….
The colonialist order which speaks through the barrel of a gun….
…’Apache’ gun ships designed to destroy tank columns were hunting down individual soldiers….
With regard to Saddam Hussein saying that he has met the best that the coalition has to offer, I would only say: the best is yet to come….
….Increasing pressure for a full United Nations Security Council debate on the Gulf War - opposed by America….
(….The Israelis are already doing so well out of this war….Iraq is being destroyed and this is a tremendous bonus for them….)
…What we’ve seen so far is pretty phenomenal….can we really go up a notch from that?…
Oh yes indeed….
Our strategy to go after this army is very very simple….first we’re going to cut it off and then we’re gonna kill it….
We have the power….we have the freedom….we have the intellect….we have the affluence….we can manifest our own destiny….
The period of even more intense devastation which the allies now plan….
A deck-side view of the world’s biggest guns….
Each shell weighed more than a ton….
The allied bombing of Iraq remains relentless….
The United States has accused Iraq of war crimes….
We have no reason to disbelieve the Pentagon version….
American use of fuel-air bombs, also napalm was dropped….
….20,000 prisoners have so far been taken….
The allies argue that Iraq needs to do more than simply comply with UN resolutions….
Even though Saddam Hussein has ordered his troops to withdraw from Kuwait
The President called that an outrage. Saddam was not withdrawing, he was retreating….
American airborne divisions and troops cut off the Republican Guard from any possible retreat…
They’re not a part of the same human race that the rest of us are…
If they do withdraw and go into Iraq they won’t be attacked. We’ve made that perfectly clear….
Iraq offers to abandon claims on Kuwait. America says that’s not good enough….
….President Bush has said that the war will continue with undiminished intensity….
….continue to prosecute the war with undiminished intensity….
….the men in the path of the allied armour were hopelessly ill equipped….
Soldiers are surrendering not just to allied forces but here to a cameraman….
Their reward now: American chocolate bars….
….Quite frankly the United Nations doesn’t matter anymore. Somebody said to me a couple of hours ago, perhaps they should sell the building for the time being to the Japanese and they can turn it into a pizza parlour….
We know that our cause is moral….we know that our cause is right….peace can only be established now by getting Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait….
They needed to put some hate in their heart and go out and stop those son-of-a-b*tches from getting out of Kuwait…..
We’re not only willing to shoot and bomb people in the name of justice, but to help them in the name of justice….
(Iraqi forces are reported to be in full retreat….heavy bombing concentrated on the main routes being used by Iraqi troops to…)
….let’s settle for running away….
The bombing Iraqi troops have already suffered is minor compared to what they’ve got coming….
We’re gonna concentrate on ending it right...
Knock knock… Comin’ at ya…
….it is aggression….
….it is aggression….
….it is aggression….
….it is aggression….
….it is aggression….
….pounding and pounding and pounding….
….it is aggression….
….pounding and pounding and pounding….
….it is aggression….
….pounding and pounding and pounding….people who were simply trying to get away……
….They described it as a ‘turkey shoot’….the Iraqis were sitting ducks….it was apocalyptic….in this inferno vehicles exploded and were ripped up by small arms fire….in the panic of the attack tanks and cars were crashing into each other….thousands and thousands of Iraqi vehicles all the way up the road….vehicles lie scattered and destroyed with bodies along the road-side….many too badly charred ever to be identified….we found a scene of carnage….a huge convoy hit by the Americans from the air with their cluster bombs….it was quite literally a trap….a ridge to one side….a minefield to the other….allied armour ahead….and above them the bombers….some had tried desperately to hide under the bridges but even this didn’t save them….the road is now in effect a burial site….no-one knows how many died….without air power they stood little chance….
... Many had with them the leaflets dropped by allied aircraft calling on them to surrender or face starvation and certain death….
... Okay stop the tape please….
… it’s been a great victory, we needn’t be shy about it… and if I’ve got one message for the people at home today it’s this:
get out there and ring your church bells.......