No Gods lyrics
by ZaZa
You got no fear of the headlights
Long days, long nights
No sleep, no rest, no rules, no fights
No lies
You a bad one, a sad one
Say your over and done
I am riding shotgun
More fun to come
You wanted me to take your hand and watch
I’m your witness while you rev and thrust
In speed you trust
Got a need for it
Bleed for it
Feed of it
Gonna keep on and
Leave longing
Dear comet
Shooting star
You’ll go far
Don’t crash the car
Not here to save your soul
I should go home
But I - But I can’t say no
Soon as you call, I’m out the door
I know it’ll be like never before
Don’t know a lot, but I know for sure
I wanna watch you as you take off
You’re driving like you’re crazy
Like you wanna disappear
I don’t care why you brought mе
I just know that I am here
You say the wind is biting
But I know you likе the teeth marks
Fast cars, no fate, no gods
Estas conduint com si volguessis marxar
No m'importa, no vull saber per què m'has convidat
Dius que el vent mossega, però t'agrada la brega
Rapidesa, incertesa, cap deesa
(Katta Lana)
Ets una fera, vull ser teva
A tu res et desespera
Moltes contradiccions, vius amb accions
No importen les opinions
La teva nit a mi em supera
No pares a la primera
No sé per què m'has convidat
Si ja saps que no et segueixo el pas
Amb tu m'he transformat, em sento capaç
La teva llum i foscor en mi han mutat
Transmeto la feblesa que em transmet un glass
Ja no tenim normes ara si vull em puc trencar
Em puc trencar, em puc fer mal
Preocupar al meu voltant
No tinc sang, per tant
M'és igual
Sóc un concepte, no tinc carn
Les idees volant, estem parlant
Ens és igual
You’re driving like you’re crazy
Like you wanna disappear
I don’t care why you brought me
I just know that I am here
You say the wind is biting
But I know you like the teeth marks
Fast cars, no fate, no gods
Estas conduint com si volguessis marxar
No m'importa, no vull saber per què m'has convidat
Dius que el vent mossega, però t'agrada la brega
Rapidesa, incertesa, cap deesa
Estas conduint com si volguessis marxar
No m'importa, no vull saber per què m'has convidat
Dius que el vent mossega, però t'agrada la brega
Rapidesa, incertesa, cap deesa
You’re driving like you’re crazy
Like you wanna disappear
I don’t care why you brought me
I just know that I am here
You say the wind is biting
But I know you like the teeth marks
Fast cars, no fate, no gods