We’re Happy Little Vegemites lyrics
by The Young Punx
Amanda: This is, uh...
Audience Member: Happy Little Vegemite?
Amanda: Do you guys want to sing the vegemite song?
Amanda: Do you know the words?
Audience: Yes!
Amanda: Okay [Laughs] Is everybody ready?
Audience: Yes
Amanda: We will sing it in "C" [Plays "C" key] That's your starting note
We're hap-py lit-tle Veg-e-mites
As bright as bright can be
We all en-joy our Ve-ge-mite
For break-fast, lunch, and tea
Our mum-mies say we're grow-ing stron-ger
Eve-ry sin-gle week
Be-cause we love our Ve-ge-mite -
We all a-dore our Ve-ge-mite -
It puts a rose in eve-ry cheek
Amanda: You guys are weird! I feel like I should somehow get back at you by playing a Doublemint Gum commercial or something very specifically American. Okay, so this is a new song that's not about food